
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Numark DMC2 vs American audio DP2


i have looked around and i have not been able to find these two midi controllers in a comparison on which one is better suited for virtual dj.

Now i know the American Audio DP2 has a built in Sound Card and with the Numark DMC2 you have to purchase the Numark DJ/IO but as far as actually having full functionality and use with virtual dj which one is a better midi controller to use in this application.

i read through threads and i know not everything on the DP2 works unless that has been sorted out but as far as the DMC2 what are its draw backs since VDJ them self's recommend it.

Also im thinking of the use of 2.0 usb on my laptop and how many usb ports i will need for controller, sound card, external hard drive, and speeds needed to maintain the quality and integrity of the music.

Any help will be greatly appreciated because i have access to purchase either Midi but i was actually interested in the dp2 until i found out that the dmc2 is designed for virtual DJ and not everything on the dp2 works along with the fact that it has to be mapped.

发表时间 Thu 06 May 10 @ 6:32 pm
Spend your money once and get the HC4500.

Hi mate.

The DMC2 is no longer produced so you can get them fairly cheaply now. I use the DMC2 and hav been happy with it. The only issue I have had is that the tactile switches behind the buttons do, evenually give trouble but they are penuts to replace. There are some great skins available for the DMC2.

Having used one for about 3 years I have no real complaints but be aware that this controller is no longer manufactured. Numarks support is patchy at best but I have not had to use it, YET.

There is also the advantage when using a controller only that you have greater flexibility when it it comes to your choice of sound card.


My vote for AA DP2. Get one and become a happy VDJ user as i am. Combine with an external audio mixer and use the DP2 crossfader as video crossfader. You have so many buttons to map your own way, but still the original mapping from VDJ is fair enough.

so does the DP2 have native support with VDJ or will i have to map out direction.

and what about the download from american audio for virtual dj are those the proper files if you follow my link you will see on the left of the page Midi command files download For Virtual DJ these are the files im inquiring about.


Thank you soo much guys

DP2 is natively supported by VirtualDJ Pro now. So you don't need nothing else but drivers installation and you are ready to go.

Just need your VirtualdJ Pro purchase and you can use this product with VirtualDJ Pro 6.0.8.


thank you that's what i really wanted to know because im on the verge of purchasing the Virtual dj pro 6.0.8 and the American audio dp2 but i wanted to make sure the two items (hardware) and (software) were compatible and the dp2 had native support.

I have a friend with the Hercules mk2 and virtual dj and its an awesome program that really beats out the likes of pcdj, traktor, and serato in my opinion of course, but never the less the MK2 was too bulky for my liking on the top of the rack and i want my denon dn 1800f up at the top as well as the dp2 and with the mk2 there's no room for that.

Also i was going to purchase a numark dmc2 as stated above but i contacted the company on line selling it and explained it was discontinued and hes going to check on Monday with his suppliers to see if they can track one down but that's really the only thing now that will stop me from getting the dp2 is if they find a dmc2. and actually does the DMC2 ship with numark cue le and if it does will that qualify me for upgrade or will i have to purchase virtual pro right out

thank you i greatly appreciate your response for this and for answering my other question.


The Numark DMC-2 comes with Cue LE that can be upgraded to VirtualDJ Pro at a discount.

However, if the DMC-2 is second hand, you may not have this option if it has already been registered and the discount already used by the previous owner.

NOTE: The DMC-2 does not have a built-in sound card, so you will need a suitable sound card such as Numark DJIO or Native Instruments Audio 2 DJ.

yes i was noticing that i would need a DJ i/o with the dmc2 but the thing was that the dmc2 was designed for Virtual dj that's why i was interested.

but now that i know the Dp2 is also Nativity supported i can definitely get the dp2 as well

LOL and the company selling the dmc2 don't know what they are doing they called today to apologize and tell me i was right their internet site is a miss ad and the dmc2 is discontinued and they can not get it LOL i told em but they said they could.

Now correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't the AA DP2 have a built in sound card?

Yes, the DP2 has a built-in sound card and although not designed specifically for VirtualDJ, it's layout is well suited to the software.

You may wish to also consider the Denon DN-HC4500.

you know I just haapen to own the DMC2 it was after I brought it when it was discontinue. just sitting there collecting dust. I know this is an old post but who know I don't see that your status change. Did you get the pro version?

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