
Forum: Old versions

Topic: macbook pro not working with hercules rmx console - Page: 1



quite simply i got a macbook pro 15" with all the required specs to run the hercules rmx controller.

i simply installed the software, and fired up everything...then i got this message saying "error with sound drive"

i looked online and tried a few recommendations that people offered with no success??

what do i have to do to get this up and running smoothly and properly?


发表时间 Fri 15 Jan 10 @ 5:58 pm
Do plug in your herc rmx first before you open VDJ. It be better to plug it in before you boot up your Mac.

"Error in sound driver" mean you have your sound configs wrong.

Also do download the recent hercules drivers for the rmx from herc site.

Are you using VDJ LE or the VDJ Pro trial?

i'm just using the software that the hercules rmx console came with.

i tried what you reccomended and still nothing.

can you still help?

I have a similar problem with the RMX and Macbook Pro 13". When I load up the software sometimes I get an error message and the sound doesnt work.

To fix it I just need to go into Config - Sound Setup then reselect the Hercules RMX as the sound driver and click apply then ok and it seems to fix it.


...tried that too and still nothing.

Look, ive been djing for 14 years. i bought SERATO a year and a half ago and am using that with my other laptop, Mac Pwerbook G4.
i still use setart, of course. BUT, i purchased a Macbook Pro and the Hercules RMX to make life a little easier for my gigs.

When i installed Serato on my Mac Powerbook G4, the set up was so simple and i was immedietely ready to go!

I know my Macbook Pro has all the requires specifications to run the Hercules RMX machine and the simple Virtual DJ software it came with.

This irritating "error in the sound drive" issue SHOULD NOT even be there. You should simply be able to install the software, fire up your machine and go.

I can't beleive all the problems i have read about this issue.

I've tried alot of things to fix the problem, still, with NO SUCCESS.

This is by far the most frustrating thing i've had to deal with in my DJ'ing years to date.

I, however, won't give up trying, i just NEED MORE SUGGESTIONS!


Just to make sure, you did installed the latest drivers (v.177) for the Rmx, as well as the latest update for VDJ (v.5.2.2) ?

And I'm presuming you are running the latest SNow Leopard (v10.6.2)?

Let's proceed to a little clean up. Put to the trash the following files:

- The "Virtual DJ" program in APPLICATIONS

- The "Virtual DJ" folder (and all of it's content) in DOCUMENT

- The file COM.ATOMIXPRODUCTIONS.VIRTUALDJ.PLIST in User > Library > Preferences

- The "Virtual DJ Local Database v5.xml" (do a serach , there can be a few)

Once done, empty the trash, and install the latest update 5.2.2 ONLY (forget about the version that came o the CD)

Once last thing. go to Applications > Utilities > Audio/MIDI Setup, and be sure that the Rmx is not set as the default playback device for the system.

Now launch VDJ...


And to get the version V5.2.2, you need to register your serial number that could be found on the cd sleeve. Then you may able to upgrade;) alternatively you may download the trial version which will work for 20 full day. Regards.

Hey Guy! I had this problem and looking in the back forums....here's the solution

Just follow this carefully step by step with the pictures, not too hard and its worked for me!
That was so annoying and I was in the same boat.

Posted Tue 22 Dec 09 @ 8:08 am


The very last step where you re-name it, its at the top, not on the list just click it and re-name it right.



Eh - I don't know if this is the right place to post this question - I'm quite new in this BUT I have a major problem. I just bought this new macbook pro to use my hercules rmx on but the damn thing doesn't show up anywhere on my computer. It pops right up on my old PC with "new software detected" bla bla but nothing ... nothing happens on my mac. The lamps flashes a bit on the console when I plug it in but that's basically it.

What to do? This is really frustrating - thanks in advance

That should be all your need to do. This lights flash and once they stop your ready to start using it.


Yes make sure you are running the latest drivers from ts.hercules.com

Hello all. I just bought the new mac book pro 15 in. Plenty of power to run my new Hecules RMX. I have several issues getting going with my new toys. First, I can hear any sound coming from anywhere. Not in the headphones, the laptop, nothing! Second, when I load a track into deck a, it loads on the right side of the screen (Deck B). And when I load deck B, it loads to the right side of the screen (Deck B). What I am saying is that both tracks load to the Deck B side. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm itching to begin learning how to DJ.

FNG (BigPhu)

I figure out the deck A and B issue. It was user error (F'n newbies!!!) I still can't cue up the various track in my headphones. I'll try to ask the help center but would love to hear from my fellow DJs out there. Thanks a bunch.


updated my virtual dj le to the pro version but when it asks for my serial number for my hercules dj consol rmx and i enter it in it says invalid serial number. But my dj consol still works with the old version. What do i do!?

You need to download and install VirtualDJ Pro and use its serial number, which you were provided with at the time of purchase. You can download VirtualDJ Pro and also obtain your serial number at any time from the Download Center: http://www.virtualdj.com/download/updates.html

You don't need to use VirtualDJ LE any more. The serial number for VirtualDJ LE will not work for Pro and vice-versa.

Make sure that you have the latest drivers and firmware for the RMX installed: http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Common_Device_Drivers.html

Also, make sure that you are not using an old shortcut to VirtualDJ LE when starting the software - Please see http://www.virtualdj.com/wiki/Mac%20Old%20Shortcuts.html

Hey I have yet a different problem than most of you. I have downloaded the correct driver and followed all the instructions like it said. Connected the device when it asked, it said successful and I restarted my computer. (I have a Macbook pro 15") The control panel for rmx is not showing up on my desktop like it said.
When I access the control panel via, finder > Apps > DJHerculesmix >RMX control panel, every thing is greyed out and i cant change any options.
Also in my system preferences under sound, it only shows RMX aggregate device, not RMX console device.?
Ive tried redownloading the drive like 5 times after uninstalling it and the same thing happens.
Last thing is that on my Virtual DJ full version, when i open it I cannot select Hercules RMX as a sound card. My options are mono separated, 2 cards, 4 cards out.?
Did only half of the driver install? I plug in the mixer and the lights flash but the mixer isnt recognized anywhere!
Please help im out of ideas!!!

Jay, are you using El Capitian version by chance? Just curious.

El Capitan seem to be causing headaches for a lot of people, but as far as your problem goes, using a powered USB hub (meaning a hub which has a power adapter) between the DJ Console Rmx and the MacBook USB port should solve your problem and allow your Macbook to enumerate and use your DJ controller properly.

As far as VDJ is concerned, it can't obviously use a soundcard that is not first properly seen by the system.

I have el Capitan and VDJ 7 with Hercules DJ console 4-mx.

I have the 5.69 console drivers, but it doesn't recognize it in the 4-MX control panel or in the OS.
