
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Happy Birthday to mp3jrick


According to DJ Chat, he's 50 today! :)

发表时间 Sun 08 May 05 @ 10:15 pm
55 was a good year, thanks for the thought.

old fucker! LOL! Happy birfday

Happy birthaday old man ;-)

"Seasoned" is more like it....
There's no mold on this dude.

Cherish the younger years guys, you can't re live them.

happy birthday :)

Happy birthday, relax about the age-I've got you "beat" by a year.


Happy birthday my friend; have a beer for me.

It's funny, Rick. I always thought you were younger. You act young enough, which I guess is the important bit. :D

By the way, down here in New Zealand, your birthday was actually yesterday which was also Mother's Day here.

Good to see you here John, dis is the place to be.

Nick, I was born on mothers day as it happens.
You never age in the inside is seems.....mirrors suck.

I read forum a few weeks ago - the youngest dj at forum - 15 years old.
Who knows who is the oldiest? =)

Happy birthday Rick! (with a little lateness)

Dj Nikki

Remember you are only as old as you feel. Just try to feel at least one 21 year old a day and you'll be alright.
Happy Birthday.

Happy half century Rick. Any beauty tips to share?


You should talk, lol.
Gotcha by what 2 years?

I got bashed all weekend by friends all of which are somewhat younger for some reason, they had fun.
And it's never the same when they turn a big one like 30 or 40 or 50.

Beauty tips......only one, wear a bra so you don't get stretch marks, gravity sucks.

Stiil though, it's been one hell of a ride, no regrets at all.
Well all except for that PCDJ thread on ProDJ that is still smoking to this day........

Rick.... Happy Birthday - Remind me I owe you a shot during the Summit...

A shot????

I was thinking like a steak dinner or something.......lol

