

 Skin PluginZone

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Skin SDK: The <pluginzone> element

Availability: v8.2 onwards
The <pluginzone> element can be nested inside a <browser> element and mainly defines the colors of the Plugin Zone (where the Effects are docked) of the Browser, but also offers customization of the knobs and buttons of the FX GUIs.

Parameters: (none)


  • <fontplugins ... /> : is only used if text is not defined
  • <font ... /> : is the font for both text and title
  • <slider ... /> : (optional) define the graphics for the FX GUI round knobs (see <slider> (without <pos> - this will be auto-set by the FX GUI)
  • <button ... /> : (optional) define the graphics for the FX GUI buttons (see <button> (without <pos> - this will be auto-set by the FX GUI)
  • <text ... /> : (optional) define the text for FX GUI strings
  • <colors>
    <plugin background="" text="" title="" titletext="" />
    : (optional) define the background color of the PluginZone, the background color of the Title of each FX GUI, the text color of the Title and the text color of all other texts

Further info regarding text sizes:
If fontplugins is used, then it will be exactly that size.
If only font is supplied, it will be size-7.
The effect title's size is always <font> size-4.

<text font="Arial" align="center" size="12" weight="Bold"/>
<font name="Arial" size="20" />
<slider orientation="round">
<size width="47" height="47"/>
<off x="10" y="3164-3"/>
<on x="10" y="3164-3"/>
<mousemask x="10" y="3164-3"/>
<fader anglemin="-140" anglemax="+140">
<size width="47" height="47"/>
<pos x="10+50" y="3164-3"/>
<on x="10+50+50" y="3164-3"/>
<size width="47" height="27"/>
<up x="170-1" y="210-1"/>
<over x="170-1+50" y="210-1"/>
<selected x="170-1+50+50" y="210-1"/>
<down x="170-1+50+50" y="210-1"/>
<text font="Arial" size="12" weight="Bold" align="center" color="#ffffff" />
<textover font="Arial" size="12" weight="Bold" align="center" color="#ffffff" />
<textdown font="Arial" size="12" weight="Bold" align="center" color="#ffffff" />
<textselected font="Arial" size="12" weight="Bold" align="center" color="#ffffff" />
<plugin background="#181818" text="#ffffff" title="#424242" titletext="#ffffff" />

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