Sixty Four

Rane - Sixty Four - Layout


  1. MAIN MIX. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Master Output.

  2. NON PGM MIDI. As noted all software controls on the 2 side strips are routed to USB Port A or B according to the Deck Input selectors. All other controls dedicated to mixer functions are sent to USB Port A or B according to the status of this buttons (Green for USB Port A and orange for USB Port B).

  3. BALANCE. Use this knob to balance between the left and right signals of the Stereo signal

  4. BOOTH VOLUME. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Booth Output.

  5. SESSION OUT. Use this knob to control the Output level of the Session Output.

  6. SESSION IN. Use this knob to control the level of the Session Input.

    SESSION IN and OUT are typically used to chain mixers together, through any line-level device may be connected to the Session Input and mixed here.

  7. SPLIT CUE. When enabled (Led bright) the PAN knob (42) will pan between Mono Cue in the left ear and mono Main Mix in the right ear.

  8. PHONES PAN. Use this knob to mix between CUE and Program MIX in the Headphone channel. When all the way to the left, only channels routed to Headphones (via the CUE buttons) will be heard. When all the way to the right, only the Program mix will be heard.

  9. PHONES LEVEL. Use this knob to set the volume to the Headphones Channel

    Two Headphones 1/4” sockets (at the top and front panels) are available to connect your headphones for monitoring.
