DJControl Compact

Hercules - DJControl Compact


Hercules DjControl Compact offers 4 pads (9) that operate differently depending on the selected pad mode. Four different pad modes are supported:
Loop Mode, FX Mode, Sampler Mode and Hotcues Mode.

To select a mode for the left/right deck you need to hold down the "MODE" button (11) and then press one of the pads on the corresponding deck. While MODE button is held down, pads will blink to indicate that pad mode selection mode is active.
Once you select a mode the MODE DISPLAY LEDs (10) will change to show you the active pad mode.


To change pads to Loop Mode hold down MODE button and press the first pad.
In this mode each pad toggles an automatic loop of predefined length in beats:




1 PAD 1
Loop 1 beat.
Loop 1/16 beat.
2 PAD 2
Loop 2 beats.
Loop 1/8 beat.
3 PAD 3
Loop 4 beats.
Loop 1/4 beat.
4 PAD 4
Loop 8 beats.
Loop 1/2 beat.


To change pads to FX Mode hold down MODE button and press the second pad.
In this mode each pad toggles an effect:




1 PAD 1
Activate/Deactivate the effect in first slot.
Select the next effect from the effects list for slot 1.
2 PAD 2
Activate/Deactivate the effect in second slot.
Select the next effect from the effects list for slot 2.
3 PAD 3
Activate/Deactivate the effect in third slot.
Select the next effect from the effects list for slot 3.
4 PAD 4
Perform an automatic baby scratch.
Perform a different automatic baby scratch.

Effect Slots in VirtualDJ GUI