Hardware Manuals

AlphaTheta - DDJ-FLX2  

Advanced Setup


There are a few settings available when the DDJ-FLX2 is connected, to disable Demo mode, disable Fader Start/Stop etc. etc.

Open VirtualDJ Settings, select the OPTIONS tab and then the CONTROLLER sub-category.

DDJ-FLX2 Settings - OPTIONS tab

  • DDJFLX2-demoMode: Set the time that the controller will enter 'Demo Mode' if left alone without any operation
  • DDJFLX2-FaderStartEnable: Enable auto-start/stop when Volume Faders or Crossfader are moved from/to Minimum position when SHIFT is pressed
  • DDJGRV6-BackspinLength: Select the desired duration of backspins before DDJ-FLX2 releases the jog


You can select the Mixer Effect (Mix FX) applied with SHIFT+Bt.9 when moving Crossfader, from the VirtualDJ Skin (Starter and Essentials Layouts).
In case you need to use the Pro or Performance Layouts or some other Custom skin that doesn't offer Mix FX controls, you may assign a skin Custom Button with the action .. effect_mixfx_select

For further Technical features and specifications, visit

AlphaTheta DDJ-FLX2
Product's Page

Hardware Integration Department

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