
Forum: Old versions

话题: Help please. Herc mk2 and Virtual DJ nightmare - Page: 1


kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Hi folks,

This may be a bit of a novel by the end but I am having a nightmare with Virtual DJ and Herc mark2 after a long time using it with great success.

On my Dell Inspiron laptop I have DJC version of Virtual DJ which I got with the Herc. I also have the latest Pro version 5.2.

I have had to keep the DJC version because I could never get a microphone to work with the Pro version. With DJC I could set it to Primary sound capture use the Herc soundcard for the music and the laptop card for the mic. Worked great like that but was a little bit annoying as I would be using the Pro version to play out and the basic version for my radio.

Recently I have bought vinyl decks and tried to incorporate them into my system. I can get audio through the mk2 from the decks (but without being able to broadcast or record it) and got timecodes working too. However this was only in the pro version as free version doesn't allow it.

I tried to set the DJC version to play Timecodes to play on the radio (forgetting that it didn't allow it) and now I can't change the setting back to just mp3's. The programme freezes everytime I try to flick it back and crashes.

So now I can't use a mic at all to broadcast on the radio.

I have been trying all manner of options to try and resolve this problem and to get the Pro version to do all I want it to.

Last week I finally managed to get the mic to work on Pro version using the setting Master and Mic and primary sound capture. I have no idea why this suddenly started to work as it never has before. Then the next day I got the timecodes and normal vinyl and mp3's all working beautifully together. I test recorded my output and thought I finally had it all sorted but the mic hadn't recorded. Now I can't get it to work again!

So frustrating.

In installing all the driver updates from here I now have two DJ Consoles at the bottom of my screen but if I go to remove the old one it doesn't show up in the add/remove programmes area of the control panel so I can't get rid of the old console or the old free Virtual DJ. Is there another way of uninstalling these?

I'm not sure if this is an ASIO problem as I have never seemed to be able to use any form of ASIO control with my set up. I always get an ASIO error.

Any help would be great as I am meant to be on air tonight again at six pm UK time.

Cheers for reading.



发表时间 Mon 28 Jul 08 @ 8:00 am
did you update the actual hercules mk2? in your programs folder go to hercules then go to updater and run it. i was having a hard time using my mk2s headphone jack before that. now i dont need it cuz i use an external mixer but o well. hope that helps

发表时间 Mon 28 Jul 08 @ 11:41 am
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Nope no joy with that.

I think I have all the latest drivers and stuff.

I think my laptop is getting confused with the two consoles that are saved on it. However I can't seem to be able to remove the older version as it doesn't show up in my add/remove programmes list.

I did my radio show with no mic and just mp3's which was a bit annoying but glad I could do that. However everytime I click on a website the track pops or stops for a second. I never got that using the DJC version. It didn't seem to broadcast the clicks though which is weird. Might be my setup at home.

Basically I think I have royally confused my computer with multiple updates and using ASIO which it doesn't seem to like at all.


发表时间 Tue 29 Jul 08 @ 3:56 am
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Can anybody tell me how to remove the old DJC programme from my laptop when it doesn't show up in the add/remove programmes list in control panel?

I think I need to get rid of it to try and unpick my other problems.


发表时间 Mon 11 Aug 08 @ 11:46 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

You may have a conflict between the 2 control Panels.

What OS system do you use XP or Vista.

In XP try this, Start>Search>All Files and Folders>type, DJC (All or part of the file name dialog box)>search.

It will then search your C (harddrive) for anything relating to the Hercules DJC console, then I supposes delete all what it finds from there.

In Vista, Start>search box, type services>OK.

It should bring up all the services in Vista. Go down the list and see if you have got more than services enterer for your DJC console.


发表时间 Mon 11 Aug 08 @ 12:40 pm
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I'm on XP.

Yeh I think the two control panels are not enjoying each others company.

I'll have a go at that later after I have finished another my radio show mic less again.

Cheers jimmy

发表时间 Mon 11 Aug 08 @ 12:57 pm
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I've got 21 files relating to DJC on my hard drive. I didn't think I could just delete them though. Do I not need to uninstall them rather than just delete the file?

Here they are:

Any pointers?


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 11:53 am
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I think i need a big clear out really. There are 40 Virtual DJ files on my laptop alltogether. I just don't really know what to chuck out and what to keep!

发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 11:56 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
First of all you must decide whether you need the console edition now you got the Pro version. If No then delete that. I did.

It looks like you have a few duplicate files, so delete the duplicate, as this relates to the second installation.

Now here is a pic of my files on my old gig laptop which I used with my mk2, so what you can do is compare my list with yours and go from there.

Hope this helps you. And remember if it all goes pair shaped don't blame me, lol.


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 12:26 pm
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I still have the console cd so if I do need it again I can reinstall I guess.

Right well I'm going to steam in and start deleting files and it's all your fault Jimmy.


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 12:39 pm
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I can't seem to be able to get rid of the old Console from my task bar.

I have the old "Hercules DJ Console Mk2 Control panel" which I am trying to get rid off and the new "Hercules DJ Series control panel" and I reckon that there is a conflict between the two of them but I can't seem to budge the old version despite deleting all the DJC files I can find.

I also uninstalled the new control panel to see if I could then find the old version but it still didn't show up anywhere except the task bar.


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 2:41 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Right mate another try. Now this was written by cstoll for RMX owners about conflict between the old mk2 control panel and the new RMX panel. It might help you.

Give it a try.

cstoll wrote :

First want to apologize for all the issues people have experienced. Hope this helps resolve some issues.
This is PC only. I have not looked into the MAC issues as of yet. Those will come...

This is going to be long -- so read through it --

First thing is if you were a previous MK2 user and you are having performance issues, please check the following and can be done without VirtualDJ running. Open Task Manager, look at the processes - make sure there is only the HDJSeriesCPL.exe process running. If you have a HDJ2CPL.exe process running as well then that is the control panel for the MK2 and it will fight for processor time and try to process the RMX console instructions as well.

~~* Quick Fix : Just End Process on the HDJ2CPL.exe, then to ensure it will not restart on next bootup go to Start -> Run -> msconfig :: Select the Startup tab, then uncheck the entry for the HDJ2CPL

to gain access to Task manger, Ctrl+Alt+Del.

发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 2:59 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
kotdb wrote :
I can't seem to be able to get rid of the old Console from my task bar.

Have you tried just to Right click on it, it should bring up a option to exit it or close it.


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 3:40 pm
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Right I have disabled the old control panel in msconfig. Cheers. One step forward. :)

However I still can't get the mic to work and I still seems to get an asio error as soon as I set it to Timecodes input.

I'm getting a bit fed up now. One step forward and two steps back.


发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 4:10 pm
You may want to touch base with Hercules support on this issue as well. They might have a procedure to remove the old CP stuff so that it doesn't make nasty with the new drivers.

发表时间 Tue 12 Aug 08 @ 8:50 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Check this pdf manual to see if your mk2 is installed correctly on your PC/Laptop


discjockeydoc wrote :
You may want to touch base with Hercules support on this issue as well. They might have a procedure to remove the old CP stuff so that it doesn't make nasty with the new drivers

You may need to do this.

发表时间 Wed 13 Aug 08 @ 12:14 am
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Ok its a new day and I have come at the problem with renewed energy.


I downloaded and ran a registry cleanup piece of software. Loads of corrections made.

I also looked much more into my computer soundcard which I thought was working fine but appears it may not be. I have no idea why it has stopped working but I reckon there are conflicts playing havock with it. Anyway i tried to update any drivers for it but that didn't seem to work so thought I would try and get round it and I got hold of an old usb creative external soundcard and plugged my mic into that. Low and behold I now have the ability to use my mic and it records fine!

Next I tried using timecodes and as long as I set it to wdm before I open Virtual DJ and then set to timecode input afterwards I seem to be able to use normal vinyl, timecode and mp3 and mic!

Happy days!

Not holding my breath though as I had this before then it went tits up but fingers crossed.

Thanks for all your help Jimmy and the rest. Was losing the will to live last night.




发表时间 Wed 13 Aug 08 @ 4:37 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007
kotdb wrote :

I downloaded and ran a registry cleanup piece of software. Loads of corrections made.

That what I was going to suggest next, to have a look at the Registry, but I couldn't help you with that. it's abit out of my depth ;)

Glad you got it sorted anyway.


发表时间 Wed 13 Aug 08 @ 6:35 am
kotdbPRO InfinityMember since 2007

发表时间 Wed 13 Aug 08 @ 6:40 am
I use CCleaner quite regularly on my system to keep things from getting out of hand. I'm happy that you've gotten this sorted :)

发表时间 Wed 13 Aug 08 @ 6:04 pm