
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: SBDJ ScrollText - Page: 2


Did have another thought Scott if your looking for more torture! =) Adding a macro, so people can include the name of the currently playing track in one of the text blocks. IE make the macro $artist$ and $title$, then people can type....

VJK Now Playing $title$ by $artist$.... Want to hear yours, ask now!


发表时间 Tue 08 Jul 08 @ 9:58 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Interesting idea :)

I'll get back on development in the next few days, am having fun moving house at the moment :(

发表时间 Tue 08 Jul 08 @ 10:45 pm
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Any news on the development, or are you still trying to sort out everything from the House move (bloody nightmare).


发表时间 Fri 18 Jul 08 @ 4:03 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I might get a bit of work done on it this afternoon.

House move is a massive pain... no internet access at the new house yet, still unboxing everything too... finally got my desktop PC set up though. Plasma gave up the ghost the other night. Nightmare!

发表时间 Fri 18 Jul 08 @ 5:25 am
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
good thing you had insurance to cover it though, did anyone get hurt when it fell off the delivery van...


发表时间 Fri 18 Jul 08 @ 5:30 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Thats the annoying thing, it didn't get damaged at all and was working fine! A few days later, it went pop... sound but no picture... being picked up today for repair...

发表时间 Fri 18 Jul 08 @ 5:51 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
OK, had a few spare minutes to do some work on this today, so I've done some code cleaning up, fixed some minor bugs in the load/save routine, removed the need to apply font changes and implemented macros for #TITLE# and #ARTIST# from the currently active deck (provided by the Deck GetInfo() call).

I think this is just about ready for an initial release. I'll probably run with it this weekend before releasing it as a stability test, then publish it on Sunday if all is well...



发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 7:20 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I decided that since I've been using this plugin in it's basic form for probably about a year, and that I've been using it for a while with the recent extensions that it's ready for public testing.

So I've uploaded it to the VDJ site to see if they approve :)



发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 10:17 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Talking to myself here ;)

This plugin has been approved and is now available for download...



发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 3:31 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
thanks scott, have got just got it now, but it wasn't available at tea time, will let you know how it goes tomorrow, thanks again

发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 3:45 pm
Before you talk to yourself again:


发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 3:46 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Don't thank me just yet:

* Make sure it works for you first
* Test, test, test fully before using live!



发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 6:27 pm
I'm just about to download this to test when I restart (currently on OSX).
I was having a think about how you've implemented the TITLE & ARTIST macros.
This is minor really...
If it uses Get Info from currently playing deck and your actually just cueing up, as the text scrolls by, it will show the song you're about to drop.
This could certainly ruin any surprises.
How does this sound.... feasibility and others input.
Make it Get Info from inactive deck unless stopped in which case Get Info from Active Deck?
This way, logic suggests it It will spend most of the time showing the track that is playing out.
Currently it would show whatever you are cueing rather than what is actually playing.

Hope that makes sense?


发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 6:51 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
There is something built into the GetInfo() call for the active deck which means that if the crossfader isn't currently over 50% towards that deck, then it's not actually yet active. Something like that. I've had 2 bottles of wine and it's 2am, so I can exactly remember ;)

发表时间 Wed 30 Jul 08 @ 8:12 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Great work.

I have some ideas for you:
* an alpha slider for the background
* "change font" button should be in the Text panel
* a better way to manage the list of messages:
==> when you click on a selection: you should display the line in the text edit zone too : currently we can't edit
==> the "add" button (or easier a "OK" or "Apply" button) should be logically at the right of the text edit field
==> a way to move the messages up and down in the list

发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 4:06 am
awesome plug-in

been messing around a little bit
one strange thing
everytime i activate the plug-in
the video gets a little blurry
you can see it good when there is text already on the original video
like promo onlys
when it shows the title, artist etc...


发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 5:05 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
djcel wrote :
Great work.

I have some ideas for you:
* an alpha slider for the background
* "change font" button should be in the Text panel
* a better way to manage the list of messages:
==> when you click on a selection: you should display the line in the text edit zone too : currently we can't edit
==> the "add" button (or easier a "OK" or "Apply" button) should be logically at the right of the text edit field
==> a way to move the messages up and down in the list

I was already planning to add support to move and edit messages, definately needed - especially with the plans for SMS integration. I'll have a look at those other changes as well.

The alpha slider for the background will need a bit more work. I cheated slightly (lots) - rather than rendering a box for the background, which you can do with D3DCOLOR_RGBA, I used D3DDevice->Clear, which doesn't appear to support an alpha channel. So I'm going to have to render it properly I guess ;)



发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 5:26 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Matt0218 wrote :
awesome plug-in

been messing around a little bit
one strange thing
everytime i activate the plug-in
the video gets a little blurry
you can see it good when there is text already on the original video
like promo onlys
when it shows the title, artist etc...


Strange, I can't say I'd noticed that - I just paused a video on a bit of text and couldn't replicate it?

发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 5:28 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I've now written the background box code properly by creating a set of vertices, then rendering them. So I can now apply an alpha channel to the background box :)

It also makes it easier to use a background image in the code now, since I've created a new texture with the correct set of vertices - I can easily load an image into that texture :)

发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 7:42 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Background Image support now added too. To be really useful though, need to create adjustable left/right margins :)

发表时间 Thu 31 Jul 08 @ 9:27 am