
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Cartridges for VDJ timecoded vinyl - Page: 2


I visited the forums of another company to obtain additional cartridge suggestions for timecoded vinyl use. Therefore, I’ve updated the approval ratings and cartridge suggestions:

Ortofon Concorde

Shure M44-7

Stanton 500 series

Stanton 890

Stanton Trackmaster

Stanton 680 EL

Shure Whitelabels

Shure M35X

Numark Groove Tool cartridges

Stanton Trackmaster Roger Sanchez edition

I’ll continue to update the approval ratings and cartridge suggestions as I obtain additional information from other forums.



I forgot to mention where the last update information came from—The Serato Scratch Live forum.


Looks like the Shure has taken the lead by quite a bit. I have to put a vote in for the Stanton 500 AL though. They have been working great for me on TCV doing heavy scratching.
