
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: New budget MIDI mixer?


Seen this yet?


Looking at the features list and the pictures, I REALLY want to believe that it ISN'T a cheap, plasticky nasty sounding piece of old tat... However, given this company's track record of recent years, I have my doubts! Anybody seen one of these for real yet? I noticed it mentions MIDI compatability in the features list... but doesnt go into any detail... any thoughts?


发表时间 Sun 01 Apr 07 @ 6:02 pm
I ran across this as well and found a video on the mixer from the NAAM 07 and read somewhere about the midi as well but like you said it didnt go into much detail at all. I emailed Behringer and asked them about the midi compatability this weekend but have not heard back from them. I was looking at a Ecler Nuo4 when i found this so im not sure if its worth it or not but if you find out any info let me know

Interesting at nearly half the price of the Ecler NUO4.

I'm gonna have to keep my eye on this too. I (as most turntablists will as well) refuse to use a separate mixer for video crossfades and the Hercukles MK2's jog dials get in the way for scratching... plus fader isn't that great either.

I hope Numark puts a midi mixer at the $500 price point too though. They'll eat the market alive if they do AND get people looking at their other products as well, especially Virtual Vinyl.


a great idea indeed... and although i cannot provide any useful insight into the device...

i'd just like to say that upon clicking the link and seeing it, all i could think was "holy shi%$, sweet mother of #%(# that is one ugly looking thing. "

if only it looked pretty haha

Really? I rather like the look of it actually.... The top view image looks a lot tidier than the one taken from a perspective angle...

it just looks really busy... like they've tried to squeeze too many different colors and labels on that sized mixer. but just my opinion!

are we sure that the faders will be midi too?

that's an impressive piece of machienary.

but remember that behringer is known for not being that good.

personnaly, i've never tried it.

DJ Shahar

It looks very nice! Let's see if someone will give it a try... just to see if Behringer is going to make higher quality products. Anyway, for budget devices it's at the top! You can't ask for a professional peripheral with a few money!

funkturnal - the response i got from Behringer didnt answer my question basically they told me the product overview/manual saying whether the crossfader is midi controlled or not will be available when the product is released. If the crossfader is midi controlled and the price is under $500 then trust me i will be testing Behringers quality out first hand. And if it isnt looking too hot best believe it will be returned.... just would make sure to buy it from someone who takes returns but definetely does look like it has many features i wouldnt use but for midi controll and auidio mixer in one its the cheapest i have seen
