
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Strange crackling sound in crossfader..


hey guys,

when i have been mixing lately, whenever i move the crossfader across during a beatmix it makes a strange sort of crackly "br-r-r-r" noise. im not sure if it comes up on my recorded mixes (i think it might), but it comes out the speakers. i think it may be because of V4.0 with the new sound engine or something, because i didnt have this problem before it.
anyone know of the reason for this? or should i accept defeat and revert to the V3+?

DJ Turbo

发表时间 Fri 16 Mar 07 @ 4:35 am
Have you tried lowering the quality? It solves 90% of such problems. :)

I have a similar problem moving the xfader on my djc, i usually lower the quality settings since I do little or no scratching and really only use samples and effects. I've not started video yet so lower quality has never really been something I'm desperate to avoid. If you cant afford to lower quality, use taskmanager to close other programs. This'll free up memory for vdj.

Hope thats helped


Mine only has this problem if i use the bass EQ.... don't want to lower the quality, so i just avoid using bass. problem solvered

Same issue here, this and another (crash issue reported in bug report forum) already made me go back to 3.2.

DJ Turbo try usin safe mode

Yes, safe mode should help, this problem comes up when you are recording a mix in wav format, recording is taking many resources in V4.x (much more than in previous 3.x versions). Good thing is that this "brrr" effect is not recorded on the mix itself, so it is a bug for sure. Try Safemode first, than you can lower specs slider and go for latency with the lower quality.

ok so lower the quality slider in the options?
ill give it a go, as well as anything else mentioned. thanks guys

thats the sound it makes when the CPU maxes out and VDJ cant finish processing audio in time to fill the buffer. so you get a buffer repeat. ddrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, eeerrrrrrrrrrrrr. its usualy from having too high a timestretch quality at too low a latency. 4.0 gives you more options on how you set up but this can cause problems if you set your performance too high.

remeber that even if songs play back fine, you may just be squeaking by in terms of CPU usage, changing the pitch or doing some other things can push it over the edge in these kind of circumstances so if you are getting it when you are adjusting other controls it may be just 'the straw that broke the cammels back' so to speak.

changing pitch on a HQ timestretched track that is at low latency is very taxing for example.
