
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: A Homemade Mix...


From me to you :)

upbeat electro dance shite for fans of:

Busy P
Walter Meego
Daft Punk
Death From Above '79


D1: http://fs02n5.sendspace.com/dl/e5b91f40d752f88dd097f361ae5067e0/45f89079/8iwpg2/Final

D2: http://fs05n1.sendspace.com/dl/bdadd552e19ef1bb2c4ac2ffc18944a8/45f89098/j1jwz7/Join-

p.s. i'll post this on the mix page. just figured it get a little more exposure here...

**edit** on second thought, where the hell is that mix post??? i know i've seen it before...

发表时间 Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 3:02 am
sweet dude ill give it a listen when i get home! :) thanks
how long does it go for?

each disc is about an hour...

i think the first is 1 hr
2nd is 1:10...

here's another that should be more mainstream...

damn, i was startin' to think no one even noticed :)

thanks for checkin it out!

p.s. these are the first two i've ever posted, so feedback is apprediated :)

lol sweet, ill let you know what i think of some of em.

one more period of school left yay! then i will give it a listen.

P.S. 100th message! woo! lol :)


just check your locale...

damn man! all the way from Austraia!

gotta love the internet... a man from Aussie land checkin' in on a mix from a man from Georgia, USA!

good luck w/ school. so glad i've been done for a few years. engineering school sux!!!! good pay though ;)

supports my dj habit :)

Ah... nice to see somebody into some GOOD music for a change... *smirk*. I'm downloading right now.

lol yeah, i come from a land down under, where women work and men... umm... plunder? thunder? chunder? something like that.

in the process of downloading one of em...

ok... now listening....

hmm... thats funky! its a great interesting mix of songs, with interesting mixing. overall, i give it 4 or 4 1/2 out of 5 awesomenesses lol :)
thats for the first one

kick ass job in my opinion
