
Forum: Old versions

话题: Peace out!!! - Page: 2


Now gentlemen please.....

Relax, Have a toke if nessesary, Or drink some fine Canadian Beer

Either that or go to the corner grab your pink pom poms and prepare for the bitch slap contest.

发表时间 Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 4:32 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i want patience and i want it now!!!

发表时间 Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 10:47 am
It's past 12 o' clock and Tuesday now, so I have gotten rid of the Manic Monday Monster that was on my back yesterday. =P

发表时间 Tue 27 Feb 07 @ 11:11 am
So, yah - my 2cents so far on VDJ:

I used PCDJ FX for 4 years without a single hiccup. Not one crash, skip, or stumble. Obviously, I played a lot of weddings. Then I started a nightclub gig with 2500-3000ppl thru the doors on a hot Saturday. While PCDJ was a rock solid system, its obviously not much of a mixing program.

I want to note that I built the system for DJ work - no BS programs, no web surfing, M-Audio FW410 for sound, dual HDDs, 2GB RAM etc...

I installed VDJ Pro and all hell breaks loose. Crashes, lockups, Computer reboots itself mid song. Crazy shit. I've read damn near everything in this forum but I can't figure out the conflict. After fiddling with stuff, I made the problem worse and now the machine won't even boot. I wish I was kidding. I don't blame VDJ for the non-booting thing (that trouble started when I fiddled with my video card) but its where I'm at.

So I am typing now from a brand spankin new iMac - and I am in love... but I gotta tell ya that though I am a fan of VDJ's capabilities I am a bit spooked. Obviously, SSL has a proven track record on Mac - but I've already invested in the FW-410 and don't want to buy a new (and inferior) sound device. Not to mention I've been a professional DJ for 10 years without touching a turntable.

I want a program that is as stable as PCDJ, handles tags and database functions as well as PCDJ (the main reason I chose it in the first place), and has the mixing and video features of VDJ. I want to run it with a MIDI controller (not a cheap piece of crap like the MK2 - hopefully I can find a decent one for Mac). I can only hope that VDJ overcomes the stability issue in their Mac version - that would be a little slice of heaven for me. Obviously VDJ works well for some, but I am apparently not the only one having troubles. Till then, guess I'll have to use Traktor and control it via my keyboard. Feels a lot like the PCDJ days......



发表时间 Wed 28 Feb 07 @ 3:35 am
shooter6 wrote :
After fiddling with stuff, I made the problem worse and now the machine won't even boot. I wish I was kidding. I don't blame VDJ for the non-booting thing (that trouble started when I fiddled with my video card) but its where I'm at.

So I am typing now from a brand spankin new iMac - and I am in love...

Looks like we're gonna have to start a windows to Mac switcher testimonial thread on these forums soon because these sentiments are being expressed quite often now. Too often for this to be a coincidence or "fanaticsm". As I 've said before, it's a "realization" that the problem with windows computers IS windows itself..

We'll wait until VDJ/VV Mac drops to start that testimonial thread though and then just watch the switcher avalanche begin. =)

You heard that prediction here first, a long time ago, and repeatedly by me.

It's ineviitable, and vista's just making it easier for users to switch to Mac.

Congrats on your new found happines "shooter6". =)

发表时间 Wed 28 Feb 07 @ 3:06 pm
Man since I recently sold my Powerbook and have been computerless I haven't had a chance to check the forum as often. Man this is an entertaining thread....

:: ALLSTYLE :: If you are only going to play music (not videos), I would definitely recommend Serato Scratch Live. Its the "Industry Standard". If you want to play videos...Wait it out here. SSL is releasing a video version, Ive seen video demos on it. But...I am going to personally wait for the MAC VDJ version to drop. The people in the forums are alot more friendly and helpful and they (VDJ) have been doing videos for a while now. Im in the same boat as you are in. Frustration. I have over a hundred posts in the forum and I don't even own the program yet. I keep anticipating incorporating videos into my sets to my residencies. I look like a fool because I keep pushing the dates back.


发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 6:52 am
ooops typing from my phone... anyway good luck and check back in the forums in the future. Its nice to hear from fellow CHii Dj's in here.

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 6:58 am
the talk on the street is that coding in OSX is a bitch, because the OS is held together with duct tape and bailing wire... sure it works well on the outside, but it's some screwey piece of software... everything needs a workaround to compensate for some shortcoming of osx or another.... you think windows is a mess? No one cares what it's made of as long as it works, and it works well, but there's some funky crap in that code.

this is why neither pcdj nor serato have released a video app either.... everyone's having the same problems... everyone's talking big guns, but no one's put up yet.....

don't shoot down the mighty PC yet.... seems the mac ain't as tough as everyone thinks.....

I love mac, and I own two, but the facts are the facts.... and the facts are that video and the mac may not be a match made in heaven.... for a while at least... until apple fixes osx... it's far from perfect...

don't put all your eggs in the mac basket just yet fellas.... you may end up dissappointed.

and I should hope serato is stable... it doesn't do shit other than play mp3 files... pretty basic...

feature for feature, VDJ is head and shoulders above serato... just read the serato forums... there's far more whiners than on here... they're not problem free by any means..... I read in an article in some DJ magazine that they did a poll of why people chose serato on the mac platform, and the #1 answer was that the mac looked cooler... fashion.... that's why it's the most popular....

but not for long.....

VDJ is comin' up beyotches!


发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 7:13 am
Steve Lynch wrote :
...I read in an article in some DJ magazine that they did a poll of why people chose serato on the mac platform, and the #1 answer was that the mac looked cooler... fashion.... that's why it's the most popular....

That may be true in that article's poll and believe me, I know that that is a common misconception today based on the reality of yester-year. Meaning, back in 2002 while still relatively in their infancy, we saw a LOT of people go into the ridiculously popular (internationally) Apple Stores because the stores are so clean, well layed out, and the products were so "good looking".

What people often overlook is that Apple purposely and strategically placed these stores in shopping malls and in highly visible metropolitan locations (these are the multi-level, glass staircased, very artistic "flagship" locations http://www.apple.com/retail/ ) so that people who were going shopping for, lets say, stylish apparrel or home furnishings for themselves, families, friends loved ones, or their homes, would inevitably come across an Apple Store and they would come in and look at the "pretty" Apple products. That used to get very annoying because it caused a lot of "just looking" people to traffic the stores, much to the distress of the people working in the Apple Stores who are trying to meet sales goals and make bonuses like everyone else.

That WAS the case from when the first two Apple Stores opened on May 19th 2001 at the Glendale Galleria in Glendale, California and Tysons Corner Center in McLean, Virginia, until about 2 years ago in 2005. The FACT now (171 stores later including 153 in the United States, 9 in the United Kingdom, 7 in Japan, and 4 in Canada) is that those now even more highly trafficked stores are being visited by customers who KNOW that they're gonna get Macs because those first 4 years of people just looking caused them to inevitably ask questions and when their windows pc died on them within 2 years the same way that Apple employees told them that they would, guess what? They went to the Apple Store to look at Macs and then the Mac vs. windows argument was re-visited, reaffirmed, validated, and BOOM! Switcher.

Then that switcher who had experienced all the typical windows problems told a relative, friend, co-worker, etc. who was now experiencing the same problems to just "Get a Mac". THAT'S why that phrase has become so common over the past couple of years in computer stores worldide and has now become the name of Apple's new advertising campaign: http://www.apple.com/getamac/

Something I find interesting is that at the time of Apple's "Switch" campaign that started back in 2002, all the windows pundits said that it wasn't working when we were all witnessing the exact opposite. Like most things it just started out slowly, too slowly for anyone to really take notice, but like I've said many times on these threads, a key element in winning a war is the "element of surprise". So when the technology industry was "surprised" to see that nearly half a million windows users had switched to Mac during that year, they naturally paid attention in 2006. What did they see? That number more than doubled in 2006. What will they see this year in 2007? The first year that that number EASILY passes a million switchers, with a number of 1.2 -1.3 million estimated by Wall Street, not Apple. It's important to note however that while Apple remains conservative in it's own guidance, that it CONSISTENTLY beats Wall Streets estimates, financially and otherwise. ;)

Want to see the demand that there has been for Apple products as an alternative to windows internationally for over 3 years now? take 12 and a half minutes out to watch this simple video of a patron at the grand opening of the flagship Apple Store in Ginza, Japan back in late 2003 where he is simply walking from the front of the store to the end of the line. The part I find hilarious is when he's walking on his 3rd block and the police officer announces that that person is the 1,000th people in line. Of course the poor guy walks WELL over 10 blocks through downtown Ginza making a left turn down a main street at around the 6th or 7th block, and he's still only half way to the end before he reaches the end of the line! =P

Apple Store: Chain of Devotion
(click the video linked on the lower right side entitled "Watch the video of Tokyo's Apple Store line.")

Also, the main reason that Macs look so good, is becuase windows pc's looks so bad. Half of the work put into making Macs so aesthetically pleasing is done by windows pc manufacturers themselves who need to use lights, buttons, and stickers on their cheap plastic enclosures to distinguish themselves from eacother as windows pc's. Apple doesn't need to do this because it's major distinction from ALL of them is that it's NOT a windows pc by default, even if you can turn it into a 100% native windows pc only IF needed.

For years I've pointed out when a Mac is used in all forms of advertising, with or without a visible Apple logo. They are the computer of choice because of Apple's "minimalist yet elegant design with full functionality" approach to their Mac products. Yes, Apple switched to intel processors, and Intel pays millions of dollars annually to manufacturers that use the "Intel Inside" stickers, but do you see a single Mac being defaced by those cheesy advertisements? Nope.

Why? Because Apple "gets it". They take pride in their computers and now that computers are becoming so integral in the lives of so many people for so many different reasons (no longer just a commodity box to write letters, check email, and play games with), they know that a lot of people want to be proud of their computers. Plain and simple, when you look good you feel good. The fact that Macs don't blow chunks like winBlows pc's in terms of security, stability, compatability and features, is just a very welcome bonus for Mac users, but especially for switchers.

But in response to Steve Lynches comment on that poll that says that people are switching to Macs simply because they look better, I call BS. =)

I've asked ALL of my former windows using (most were until 2004-2005), world traveling/performing turntablist and dj partners and friends why they switched to Macs, and in THIS music performance industry, it has NOTHING to do with aesthetics. It has EVERYTHING to do with reputation. NONE of these people that have built their reputations for 20 years or more are willing to put those reputations on the line during LIVE performances in front of hundreds or thousands of people only to have a severely flawed windows OS tarnish their reputation by taking a dump on them at the most innoppurtune time with no way for them to defend against it other than to not put themselves in that position to begin with by not using windows to begin with. Because the people aren't gonna blame windows, they're gonna blame THEM for the terrible performance.

THAT is why world renowned professionals use Macs. PERIOD: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43404228@N00/

Oh, and no matter how much of a "bitch" (aka different) Mac OS X's Cocoa code, Darwin/Unix Open Source OS, or Mach kernel is ( here is a simple explanation of kernels http://www.applematters.com/index.php/section/comments/how-long-will-apple-keep-the-mach-microkernel/ ) , at least it's not an embarassment bloat-wise and security-wise of microsoftian proportions:

"Profanity, partner's name hidden in leaked Microsoft code"

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 6:19 pm

I remember hearing that Gateway Country store employees (Gateway was... WAS... the only other computer manufacturer with it's own dedicated retail stores) were saying that Apple Stores were doomed because no one used Macs and people didn't want to look at computers in malls.

They started closing their almost 300 stores in 2001 http://news.com.com/2100-1040-254921.html, not long after the Apple stores opened and began flourishing, and finally shut down the remaining 188 stores in 2004.

A slow and torturous death well deserved in my opinion - http://www.macobserver.com/article/2004/04/02.9.shtml


In that order.

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 6:42 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
my eyes hurt :( lol

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 6:57 pm

Crash different ;)

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 7:28 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
u dirty hotlinker lol

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 8:44 pm

not allowed to post a mac crash pic now... damn mac lovers, they are everywhere


发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 8:46 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Dammit CQ, too long man...

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 8:48 pm
like I said, you didn't have to convince me....

convince the developers who are trying to find a way to get the video thing to work on mac...

rendering edited video and mixing vob files are two completely different animals.

I wanna' use my macbook as bad as you do...

as for the fashion statement, why did every DJ go to a g4-powerbook? not an imac, not an ibook, they'd all do the same thing.... they're all powerful enough to run serato....

cause they looked cooler...

a dj with a fujitsu lifebook just doesn't have the same effect....


man, your hands must hurt after that post.....

发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 10:54 pm
Steve Lynch wrote :

cause they looked cooler...

a dj with a fujitsu lifebook just doesn't have the same effect....

whats wrong with my Fujitsu Siemens lappy? Damn you, I'll feel like the least trendy dj ever next weekends gig... lol ;)

Now, I go Google for spray paint PCs ... heeh


发表时间 Thu 01 Mar 07 @ 11:19 pm
that fujitsu crack is hillarious.

and i did not buy my G4 powerbook so i could look like everyone else (even though the macbooks were out when i bought it). i bought it so i could have that sucker laser engraved!


发表时间 Fri 02 Mar 07 @ 12:00 am

THAT, is one hell of a sexy laptop Mister...


发表时间 Fri 02 Mar 07 @ 12:03 am
mp3jrick wrote :
Dammit CQ, too long man...

I like providing little known history and facts with my posts. =)

Besides, it's been a pretty long while since i posted something that long. Ahhh, the good old days.

So let me continue...

(collective Atomix community cry of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!) =P


not allowed to post a mac crash pic now... damn mac lovers, they are everywhere


No it's "hehe ;)".

And yes, we're everywhere even though windows users think we're not.

发表时间 Fri 02 Mar 07 @ 3:17 am