
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: **Att DJ CEL* and all others...


please read...

have you heard of this...

After 2 hours of usage in a club of 900, and no problems, as well as NEVER seeing this problem in 6 months of use, I loaded a video and the moment the video was going to start loading, the program disappeared- everything gone and off (silence).

I am using version 4.2 (just recently changed) from 4.1

it was a .vob video file (1 of about 2000) that was played in the past, but maybe a few months ago.

I dont write ID 3 tags.

Skin is VMIX 4

is it a corrupted file?
is it version 4.2 bug?

I re-opened the program and continued as normal video and audio- did not happen again for 2 hours.

Have not tried that file again just yet.

Quite concerned as expected...

thank you,


发表时间 Sat 17 Feb 07 @ 8:07 pm

Try that file again

Maybe its a corrupted file.

Still should not happen, but if it does, we need the file, to prevent it from happen again

Hey Nor,

Tried the file again, of course if it did make VDJ close again that would be best, but OF COURSE it plays fine today at home which means it's not a corrupted file.

I will delete the file just in case, but the fact that it plays fine nows tells me it could happen anytime with anyfile. How scary and unsafe for job security is this?

Any history or thoughts on this problem?

I see your staff is real seriously concerned about this one.

Should I go back to 4.1 from 4.2?


WHat happened to you is my ultumate fear....

What computer are you using? specs? latop, pc?

sounds strange :s


get rid of that file.....

my copy of Vanilla Ice - Ice ice baby will occasionally dump the program... not every time though just sometimes... this is the only file I've ever had this problem with... the funny thing is, my friend, who has a copy of the same file, has had it crash on his too....

I don't know what makes it happen, it's just one file....



With all the history and posts, you have never heard of loading a video or song, and it makes the program dissappear?


phen is like a uber agent he sees all and knows all =)

got rid of the file.

I can see why the computer would want to shut down Vanilla Ice.

just kidding


yeah so can I LoL :) even scarrier is that he has a show here in Hawaii on the 18th! WoW.....

Hoffman wrote :

With all the history and posts, you have never heard of loading a video or song, and it makes the program dissappear?


BTW, did you check if VDJ was still running via task manager?


The second it closed, I just double clicked the icon and opened up again and finished the night.

Came home, deleted the file.

Played again last night (did not open the new file, just in case)- NO PROBLEMS TO REPORT all night.

keepin ya informed.


Still got that bad file around?

Please try to load it several times during a mix, at home, to see if it happens again.

Would help lock out that possibility, in future version, if its possible to reproduce.

And always analyze files at HOME before gig, and dont drap un-analized files to deck on gig (in case corrupt file)


Hey Nor,

I always analyze all files at home when I add them to my system.

I did delete that file (sorry). I tried loading it about 4 times and could not get it to repeat the problem of crashing.

I will let you know if it happens again.

On another note, I was wondering about something...

That little padlock that is on the skin next to each turntable...

I always thought that if the little lock was highlited it mean that I had turned on the key lock feature, so when I changed the speed of the song, the guy's voice would stay the same.

Sometimes I unhighlite the lock, move the pitch slider and the voice still seems unchanged. I have never quite been able to figure this little lock thing out.

I have something called "master tempo" on the pioneer CD decks and I always shut these off.

Am I right that if the lock is highlited, it keeps the pitch of the voice normal and if unhighlited it should change it like an old 1200 turntable?


