
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: DAC 3


I have just purchase a DAC 3 and I am trying to connect to virtual dj. Does the dac 3 work with the demo version. I have gone into the configure tab and went into the remote tab and click enable on the dac 3 option. and press ok.
However nothing seem to be working. Does this only work for the pro version and I guess I then have to download the dac 3 mapper to work. I was under the impression that it would work under the demo without the mapper.
Please help
DJ Angel S

发表时间 Fri 16 Feb 07 @ 1:32 am
The dac 3 turn on but none of the buttons are working. When I connected it to my laptop it recognized it as a new hardware. Do I need to install any drivers.
DJ Angel S

Please anybody log please respond with an answer. I need to know if this will work before the trial expires.
DJ Angel S

Not sure. If you go into device manager... do you see a device thats actually called DAC 3? Or does it say something like unknown device?

Wow...you bought a DAC 3 before buying the software???

First thing you have to realise is that the DAC 3 is actually hardware for PCDJ, not Virtual DJ. This means that the functions of the DAC 3 when used with VDJ will be pretty different perhaps to what you expect.

However, there is a young man here who has saved our bacon when it comes to controlling VDJ with a DAC 3. His name is JPBoggis and he has created a plugin that you can use to manipulate the software and even the controls of the DAC 3. Whether or not the download is available to non licenced users is something that someone else can maybe confirm.

In any case, there is native (built in) support for the DAC 3 with VDJ, however, the controls etc are very limited and in no way demonstrate the true power of the software when used correctly with this hardware.

All you need to do is connect the DAC 3 to your system and go into the CONFIG panel in VDJ. Then go into the Remote Control tab and click ‘Enable’ where you see the DAC 3 selection. You will notice a small red button change to green when you click enable.

You should also select which Port you are using the DAC 3 from, although if I remember correctly, the software does this itself.

Then, reboot VDJ and you will notice the display on the DAC 3 change. It will come to life, but like I say, only with the native support of VDJ itself.

If you manage to get the DAC 3 mapper downloaded, save it into the relevant folder on your system and when you reboot VDJ, you should see Boggis’ logo appear on the DAC 3 screen (806615) and the version number of the mapper you have. Then you will be able to control the software ‘properly’ using the DAC 3. Please note, however, that you will only get this if you manage to download the mapper successfully.

Gotta love the DAC 3...and the mapper!!!

Good luck…and keep spinnin’…(“,)


I am not quite where this problem is coming from. I am well awar of the mapper creted by bagppus. But I was just trying out the dac 3 with the default settings from virtual. I am confused because I did all the corrected steps in going to the configure tab and click of the dac 3 tab. The weird things that is happening is that it shows the green light shows that it has been detected. However, when I open virtual dj to start it does let be do any functions on the dac. If I press any of the features using the mouse it works and at the same time the lights on the dac 3 light up. What weird is that I trying shuting down and reboot several times. I will say that about 1 out of 10 times of rebooting it will eventually connect the correct way and it would allow me to utilzed the buttons on the dac 3.
Could ram be a problem (only running 512 for audio on the laptop) Or does it sound like it a deffective dac 3.

I also tried it out on my HP desktop and it works will no problems with the same setting. However, my desktop is much more powerful than the laptop. That's why I was asking if ram or processing speed had to do anything with this.
The reason I bought the dac 3 before the software is because it would also work with my vdmx software as well. just in case I did go ahead and purchase virtual dj.
Thanks for you help
DJ Angel S

DJ ANGEL S wrote :
I am well awar of the mapper creted by bagppus.

The mapper was created by me, not Bagpuss! It can only be downloaded by registered Pro (Or Numark Cue) users.

The DAC-3 should work fine with the trial. You will only be able to use the built-in basic functionality. I don't think mapper plugins can be used with the trial, and also, it's not available to download for unlicensed users anyway.

Please try the following:

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of VDJ trial (4.2)
  • Make sure you DO NOT have the PCDJ MIDI driver installed. This is NOT required.
  • Make sure you connect the DAC-3 *before* starting VDJ.
  • Try another USB cable.
  • Try connecting the DAC-3 to another USB port.
  • If you have other software installed that has support for the DAC-3, try this and see if the DAC-3 responds.
  • Try the DAC-3 on another computer if you have one.
  • If all of these fail, you may have a faulty DAC-3.


RAM and CPU speed should not *really* have any effect on the DAC 3. The only thing I would suggest is making sure there are no conflicts of any kind. All the DAC 3 does is use midi commands to control the software, so the power it uses isn't alot.

I remember when I first hooked up my DAC 3 to my home machine to play with it, and I kept getting the message "This device could work faster" as my home machine is only USB 1, but this didn't appear to have any adverse effects on the controlling aspect of things.

Again, as the native support for DAC 3 is very limited, from what I remember before I got the mapper, most of the functions were totally not what I expected.

Try what Boggis has suggested. I seriously doubt it'll be a faulty DAC 3, but you should defenitely rule out all possibilities.



I apologize for miss spelling your name. I don't think it a faulty dac 3 because it does work on my desktop pc. I notice that the time it does work on my laptop the pc usage is average. But when it does not connect it using a lot of pc power. I tried several usb wires as well and I don't think its the cables. Like I said before I rebooted about 9 to 10 times to finally get it to connect.
What steps can I do to tweak my performance on my laptop. I know it mentioned somewhere on this forum, I was wondering if someone could give me the link to it.
Angel S
