
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Dual core neccecary for VDJ???? - Page: 1


I'm not sure here, but if i'm not mistaken, if a very powerful non duo CPU is running mainly only ONE program, then wouldn't that be all that it needs? WHy bother with a duo???

发表时间 Thu 08 Feb 07 @ 10:47 am
Sure, VDJ works perfectly with one core. Ive never used dual core anyways, and i never had problems..

My understanding is that VDJ is a multi-thread application for which a duo-core processor is perfect. Less chance of the computer hanging up. May someone correct me if I am wrong.

DeeJay EL wrote :
My understanding is that VDJ is a multi-thread application for which a duo-core processor is perfect. Less chance of the computer hanging up.


A duo core would benefit VDJ. I have run two different laptops with single core. I since upgraded one of them to a duo core and it does work pretty well. Any better than the big single core? not really but I haven't compared the two side by side yet. I have gotten the big single core to hiccup before when i was loading a 10min. video up. The duo care hasn't hiccuped yet.

I notice to most difference in performance when I upgraded to 2gig of ram. Single core or duo doesn't matter, it has never hiccuped or had problems or anything since the memory upgrade.

I built a dual core AMD machine (4800+), and yes it makes a big difference. Put it to you this way.... I had videos going on both decks, and was analyzing music, the CPU never hit %100.

With a 4800 processor, you would not want to get any hiccups!!!!!! Man that is some power

The same is for me... not it seems the power is balanced over the two cores. I mean, the total CPU usage never exceeds 60% (core1 + core2)... so I think it's a problem related to my CPU drivers (altough they're upadted)...

dual core , is good for video aslo

means that the video can load faster :)

I upgraded my processor because the cpu load made me nervous doing video.
If you load both decks with vobs and click an effects plug in it peaked hard.
Do a search or change a folder or run a live video feed and you might push it over the limit causing a freeze up depending on the system, video card and memory.

Since I changed to a dual core processor, It never hits red with what ever I do with it now.

So for $250 the peace of mind was worth it for me.

K, so I've been looking up AMD dual core VS intel, can't really see a difference, any takers on that?

dj schmidty wrote :
K, so I've been looking up AMD dual core VS intel, can't really see a difference, any takers on that?

I have an AMD X2 4200+ Dual Core PC with a 7600GT video card PC... and an Intel Core2Duo Laptop with a Quadro 1500M (similar to a 7900GS).

Both ran very similar. CPU never went past 70%. Laptop beats out the PC slightly. I would try to get the best possible deal. Core2Duo by Intel is nice though, but a 4800+ AMD is not too shabby either.

One other thing about the Core2Duo is... it can take a real beating when it comes to multi-tasking stuff.

The other day... I was playing video from VDJ, while decrypting an entire DVD, and browsing the web... all at the same time. CPU still never went past 70% when loading a video... and was well below 25% while just playing the music (with the decrypting going on). Very nice.

I'm building a pc for a friend, and this is the cpu I am going to get for it:

Still looking for a good motherboard for it, without spending too much.

It's not for vdj, or heavy gaming for that matter, so 1gb of ram will do for now.
Will get an evga nvidia 7600gt for the video, and he'll be able to game some if he wants. Good price on that at this point.

Would like to stay around $160 or less on the mobo, but don't want alot of issues.

"WHy bother with a duo???"

It's like driving a Yugo, yes it will keep up with the traffic but when you suddenly notice you are being chased by gang members driving an Eldorado it's nice to have some get up and GO!. I have the AMD 64 Dual Core, it loads videos at the speed of an Mp3. Video freezes are just a bad memory.

This is why you might bother. :^)

VDJ can run on very modest processors (especially Audio only, which most of you use), I'd recommend anything from 2Ghz and upwards, although it can run fine on slower processors. of course the more power the better but there's no need to believe you need the best PC on the market to run VDJ with Audio or Video, although Video is more tricky, especially with laptops, you will need a Mid Priced laptop over the budget laptops which run Audio so well, this is simply because cheaper laptop models don't feature powerful Video cards.

Another consideration when buying a new computer is that it's future proof, a number of features have been added to VDJ which have increased the system requirements, but ultimately the program its self needs very little to run, it's more a matter of how much you push it, A to B Music mixing requires only the most basic of PC, but if triggering multiple effects, samples, broadcasting/recording and using master tempo then consider the programs demands to rise very quickly.

I run a dual core 2x 2.4ghz with 2gb and geforce graphics.

I can run vdj with 2 sets of video running fraps (to record video and audio for demo dvj sets) and the CPU bar at the top stays at around 25-30% whilst this is happening

dual core is much better!


Yea, i think i'm gonna go for the 6600 intel core duo.

Now I just gotta find a nice motherboard, and case

"with 2 sets of video running fraps (to record video and audio for demo dvj sets)"

What do you mean by this? How do you record your video sets? I know how to record audio...

I too am looking for a good mobo for the e6600 without breaking the bank.
