
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: chuck has bad luck


my laptop crashed tues am. I used my backup desktop system at the club tues and wed. Since I keep my music on an external drive instead of the C: I had the full use of my normal music so nobody noticed anything amiss other than myself.

I already got the lappy back last night . I had to pay for a diagnostic ??? but i convinced them not to charge me the $120 for the restore in my polite but determined way.......it was only 7 months old so I was disapointed with it for breaking down so soon. Having said that it runs 50 to 80 hours a week.

It wouldn't boot nor go into safe mode. In the advanced options screen I got to it said undiscoverable boot volume. So it couldn't find the boot files.

In a scenario such as this you want to restore just Windows (not a full restore) if possible. So I actually got lucky and didn't lose anything in the end.

The problem was some bad boot sectors. The problem came out of nowhere, as it ran perfect for 14 hours the day and night b4 at the strip club.......I always do a proper shutdown and use a fan for all components of my system where heat is an issue.

What I learned outta this????......The warranty from the manufacturer is a joke so I probably will not get the extended warranty.....be prepared for the worst case scenario (I was), also I need to backup not just the music but also all of my massive number of comments. I don't know how to do that currently.

What i think happened is that when i tried to boot up it got interrupted; I was using the battery (which was not defective apparently) so I don't know if that was part of the problem.....however I have all power management set to never so the system could not intervene to invoke a proper shutdown in the case of a problem......maybe that was part of the problem??

Anyway it coulda been way worse....dodged a bullet.....

发表时间 Sat 03 Feb 07 @ 2:55 pm
yes the warrenties are rubish i have special insurance that i can get mine swapped out the same day regardless of whats wrong with it

hi sky.....yeah for pro users anything short of a free loaner, doesn't cut it. what company are you talking about ?


i take that to mean you have an unusual arrangement with them? I need such coverage in the U.S.

Also how do i backup the text that i write into my comments? Can i do that and move those comments from computer to computer??

Coupla udder things......I bought a creative webcam cuz it was cheap and still way better than the free one I got,I thought that would be the cam for VDJ.....anyway I can't get it to run properly (freezes) no matter what.......I've gotten the new drivers ,did a clean sweep b4 a reinstall etc, still no luck.....the tech guy that restored the lappy said it's not M.C.E. that's the culprit,it's that creative cams won't run on HP????????

Also I don't have the email and smiley face icons under my name how do i do that??

try and negotiate ur self such a deal with a local pc shop or comapny

backup all of your database files that will save comments

what drivers does it use ?

only other users can see that

the email means message and the smiley means bann them from messaging you

i use cstoll's xml tool it backs up database at every shut down was my understanding....i think i had to set it to do that if i remember right.......anyway where does that reside ??? can i use the comments on another compy and how??

i mean where do the backups reside?? his xml tool should be a default addition to the next release......


mp3database.txt back those up

chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
i use cstoll's xml tool it backs up database at every shut down was my understanding....i think i had to set it to do that if i remember right.......anyway where does that reside ??? can i use the comments on another compy and how??

i mean where do the backups reside?? his xml tool should be a default addition to the next release......

In the readme - I explain that the tool creates .bkp files and they are stored in your Virtual DJ folder. It is up to you to copy them to alternative locations - thumbdrive, CD, external HD - to have a TRUE backup of your files, especially if you are going to have to have the drive wiped and re-installed. Also, unless you have the tool setup and you are running the runVDJ for every VDJ session then you are not 'backing up' on every use. Read through the readme again - I use it every session and it has same my @$$ several times.


thanks to both.....i will check that i'm bkp everytime.....will copy those files to cd and external drive

OK, here is my suggestion. I run my own computer buisness along with DJ business. Unbootable boot volume, I have seen this come up alot lately. This is usally an automatic update from Microsoft. Usally what I use to fix this in a sanp is WINTERNALS ERD disc. It boots up from cd and reads your windows directory and allows you to do a restore. Restore your system, and turn off automaitc updates, and check your drivers, usally sata or raid drivers cause this to happen.
Also another good program to have is Acronis, its much better than ghost, you can image your hard drive in like 5 minutes (assuming you have your mp3 and Video on external drive). This will assure you that if you are relying on your computer, that most cases these 2 tools can have you up and running very quickly.
I have my 2 dennon 2500's so I always make sure I have some of the latest music on cd so that worse case, I just revert to using the Dennon's.
Hope this helps some of you out, if any questions feel free to contact me.

cstoll wrote :
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
i use cstoll's xml tool it backs up database at every shut down was my understanding....i think i had to set it to do that if i remember right.......anyway where does that reside ??? can i use the comments on another compy and how??

i mean where do the backups reside?? his xml tool should be a default addition to the next release......

In the readme - I explain that the tool creates .bkp files and they are stored in your Virtual DJ folder. It is up to you to copy them to alternative locations - thumbdrive, CD, external HD - to have a TRUE backup of your files, especially if you are going to have to have the drive wiped and re-installed. Also, unless you have the tool setup and you are running the runVDJ for every VDJ session then you are not 'backing up' on every use. Read through the readme again - I use it every session and it has same my @$$ several times.

i had the exe on my desktop, clicked it got line 0, it can't find it ?? so i moved it to C: Program files Vdj and it seems to be okay ?? I clicked it and it launceh Vdj, then saved database on close.....all appears to be well...?

the tech guy said that 2......auto update may have given me an auto screwing?? will turn off thanks for info....also my power mgmt all settings are never......so it didn't intervene to do a proper shutdown??? is that part of what happened ??

chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
i had the exe on my desktop, clicked it got line 0, it can't find it ?? so i moved it to C: Program files Vdj and it seems to be okay ?? I clicked it and it launceh Vdj, then saved database on close.....all appears to be well...?

Just create a shortcut to your desktop and always use that to launch VDJ - rename the original VDJ shortcut to like (Orig) or (No Bckup) so that way if you want or need to launch VDJ without the DB checking you can.

what kind of lappy do u got m8 ?

I´ve been using my aver aspire 1694 wlmi without no probs at all

thks again cstoll,i bckp to cd and my external drive but i will create the desktop shortcut and launch like so.......

well inspite of everything I do have some good news.....I finally got all the music scanned in ....sheesh

Anyway now I can begin my migration off of Traktor more in earnest and become the great American hero and VJ.......lol

My laptop is an HP Pavilion dv5139 . The OS is XP media center edition (not recommended),AMD Turion 64 processor, 2 gigs ram . It has a lot of tweaks otherwise it won't process audio properly when using my Pre Sonus Firebox soundcard ( highly recommended). This unit runs 50 to 80 hours a week so I definitely treat it gently and always keep it cool and shut down properly.

Hey Chuck - ever considered buying a rackmount case and building a dedicated pc?
The peices/parts are reasonable and desktops do run vdj better. I'm just waiting for a video card to arrive from tigerdirect and I'm transfering my moboard out of the small comp case into a rackmount.

The cases from Gator, have enough room that there's no need to modify the case.

might ewase the load on your poor overworked laptop. 40-50 hours is alot.
