
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: What the heck is tcv???


OK, go ahead, call me stupid, but...I have no idea what time code vinyl or time code cd is.

Two questions:

1- Can somebody please either explain, or point me to a place that explains exactly what time code vinyl is, what it does, how it can be used, and why I'd want to use it? I know nothing about it, but see it all over the place. I don't use turn tables, but do have a DAC3, and a MK2, along with a Maya44 internal sound card. Pro user.

2- I see many users have the mk2 icon under their name. How do I get that under mine? I went to update my account, but didn't see how to add it.

发表时间 Wed 24 Jan 07 @ 5:21 pm

Check out this page for details on TCV. TCCD is pretty much the same thing, only it's a cd and not a vinyl.

Why would you want it? Well, if you want to do scratching and stuff, this is probably one of the best means of doing it. The controllers are different and perhaps not as easy to manipulate, but TCV's give you the 'real dj' feeling. Don't get me wrong, I don't use them myself, but this is just what I've seen and heard of them. If you don't use them, don't worry about it. I use a DAC 3 too and have no need for anything else. Although, in fairness, they do look pretty cool...(",)

I suppose it's just a case of personal taste. It depends really on what you do. If you're a hip hop/r n b spinner, you'll probably want to go for them, but if not, then fair enought. If you want it, go for it, but I'm pretty sure it's not really something that is 100% necessary.

Like I say, I don't use them. I'm sure there's differing opinions on them accross the boards. In the hardware forum, do a search for 'TCV' or 'Time Coded Vinyl' and read the posts on them. If anything, they'll enlighten you a bit and help you make up your mind.

As for MK2 update, I'm not entirely sure. Don't you just tick the box???

Keep spinnin'...(",)


answered this in other post

know ur keen for an answer mate but please dont double post it causes confusion

Thankies :)

hope u have the info you need :)

Thank you for the link to the manual, but I guess I still don't understand exactly what tcv does that is different from not using it. The manual says you need to use turntables. If I only run mp3s am I just out?

I do a lot of weddings, but also spin/mix/hip hop video in a club on a weekly basis and just want to be well rounded with my skills. I bought the MK2 mainly so I can have a midi crossfader.

As far as the double post, I didn't want to do it, but forgot to activate the notification after I posted, and couldn't find it again so... I do try to keep the boards clean from duplicates on my part.


not to worry

you can mix any format which virtual dj allows you to play with the timecode :)

ie video , KJ , music

Hi there, sorry in advance for my poor English.

TCV is a special vinyl with time instructions coded onto it. You can put it on your MK2, plug your MK2 INTO your PC audio input, connect the ground of the turntable to your PC box, and there you go. Virtual DJ will use the info it receives through the audio input to control the mp3s exactly in the same way as if they had been burned down on the vinyl in the first place. It gives you control over your mp3s using your turntables as controllers. Then you can scratch, speed up or down, whatever, VDJ will reproduce every variation on the mp3 it is playing.

Hope it clears the matter up.


First off your english is excellent!

OK, so, it sounds like tcv simply lets you use a turntable as an external controller for VDJ. If I want to use my DAC3 or MK2 as a controller, there is no reason to pursue this. Is this correct? Am I in a sense already using tc if I use the MK2 to scratch with?

Thank you for your efforts with this.

as i said lol in the other post :)

i love it love it love it :)

i use mk2 with the tcv

its the perfect soundcard for it :)

some people find it hard to stratch on the mk2 because of the jog size


Yes, I can see the job wheels being too small, but as I asked, if I do use the MK2 and not turntables, do would I gain anything by adding tcv, or is that only for turntables?

its for turntablism

if u stratch or manualy loop ect

if thats not your cup of tea , prehaps you dont need

I'm sorry if it wasn't clear in my last post, I thought mk2 was the name of your turntables, I didn't get it was your external controller. I think you got it right though :)

a video says more than a thousand words ..hehe

Dj Gauge demonstrating timecode vinyls


Yup, that's what I want to do. (Be DJ Guage-lol) Minus the turntables. So, if I wanted to do what he's doing without the turntables, and just the MK2 as my external control device, I'm all set and don't need to worry about tcv, right? I think I am...just want to be sure.

If you dont wanna use turntables, you dont need to worry about timecode, right :) And you can do pretty neat stuff with the Hercules alone ;)

Dj Gauge demonstrating scratch on Hercules MK2

