
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Turntablism Basics


I've recently purchased the Berklee Press "Turntable Technique: The Art of the DJ" book and 2 album set, and true to what I've read on many comments pages, good book to learn the basics, but the albums ship warped brand new from the press.

Coming to the resuce, the Rip Vinyl software allowed me to line out my mixer to my Desktop's Line-in, and record all the album tracks to mp3. Then I ditched the albums, swapped in my TCV's, loaded the mp3 tracks onto Virtual DJ, and was away and learning from the git-go on TCV.

Anyone just starting out, I think this is a great place to start. Once I get the basics in the book and excercises down, I'll be buying Qbert's first DVD.

发表时间 Tue 16 Jan 07 @ 2:11 pm
dconroy wrote :
I'll be buying Qbert's first DVD.

You can check out my dj partner's and friends from the Invisibl Skratch Picklz and the world famous Beat Junkies in the "Turntable Wizardry" series (starting with Stage 1 of course):


I have a SMALL cameo in the music video at the end called "Can You Hear It" performed by Key Kool & Rhettmatic. I also did the duplication for this particular video as well while working as a video editor here in Newport Beach, California 10 years ago.

So start with that, and eventually maybe you can get to the level that Rich exhibits in this performance at my dj partner Icey Ice's record store "Stacks Vinyl" here in Cerritos, California:


Feel free to check out the rest of our video tutorials, performances, and products at www.StacksVinyl.com

Good luck dconroy, and welcome to the ART of turntablism! =)

- ConQuest

That was some nice in-store work!

I checked out www.StacksVinyl.com, and I've got my eye on the Ultimate Breaks & Beats collection...

There is also a "Turntable Technique" DVD that goes with the book. You can find it in Amazon.

I have the DVD from berklee, must say that this combined with attending one session at the Scratch Academy, now when I do parties, I can actually put some flava behind all those 2 copies of records I have. (GOD I CAN"T WAIT TO BUILD ME A COMPUTER TO RUN VDJ) But yes, the excersizes that the dude shows you are right on, jsut practice those for about 15 minutes a day, starting slow, then going fast, and you got it.

dconroy wrote :
That was some nice in-store work!

My dj partner uses at least 2 camera set-ups for the in store interviews, performances, and tutorials (dj clinics) that you'll see in the "Multimedia" section of Stacks Vinyl.

I checked out www.StacksVinyl.com, and I've got my eye on the Ultimate Breaks & Beats collection...[/quote]

Yeah, those are great ones to have. =)

OK, I just ordered the Turntable Technique DVD packaged with QBert's DIY Vol 1 from Amazon for $50.

Here we go!

dconroy wrote :
OK, I just ordered the Turntable Technique DVD packaged with QBert's DIY Vol 1 from Amazon for $50.

Here we go!

Again, GOOD LUCK dconroy!

- ConQuest
