
Forum: General Discussion

话题: mp3database.txt VS virtualdj database.xml


li125PRO InfinityMember since 2005
Is there a link somehow between these 2 files that VDJ uses to store the music info?
I know the txt just holds the filename, location and size and that the xml holds all the info on cue, bpm, tags,...
As far as I experienced, the .txt file is polulated with the Scan HD functie and is only used for searching the Global database. (VDJ works as good without the .txt as long as you don't want to search the global database.)
Where as the xml is kinda of self populating when viewing a folder or using the tracks.
But I don't see any link between the files? Or is there a link somehow?
I'm asking because I'm wondering if VDJ uses some kind of index system for fast lookups in the xml file. The data in the xml is not sorted and I imagin when having +10000 tracks, a song lookup in the xml can take some time.

发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 5:41 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The mp3database.txt is used for the 'Local Database' and yes it is populated when you SCAN you HD for tracks.

The VirtualDJ Database ().xml - is the key database that stores and used for retrieving all the critical information about a track. e.g. - CUE Points, BPM value, etc. -- you can compare this database to the ID3 tags of an MP3 file. However, since VirtualDJ does not have to open and read each MP3's ID3 tag, the query and displaying of information is quite fast.

Also, the XML is only populated with data after an analyze of the track - this occurs after dragging a track to a deck to be played or right clicking on the track and choosing the analyze menu option.

Also, it is very critical that when shutting down VDJ you give it the appropriate amount of time to SAVE this database information - in other words if it seems like it is taking awhile to shut down VDJ then wait. Do not force a shut down of the program, you take the risk of corrupting the XML schema and as a result the database file.

I can go into more if you desire. But I think I captured the basics of your question.

发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 6:27 pm
li125PRO InfinityMember since 2005
thanks for quick reply;
You say the xml is only populated after analysing or playing a track.
My tests shows otherwise: displaying the folder in the filelist of VDJ is already enough to put the file info (and tags, if the Read tag option is on) in the xml file. Only, you have to shut down the program to get it writed to the file before you can see it.

I'm still looking for an answer: 'is there a link between the the .xml and .txt file, or do they work both completely independed?'

发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 9:10 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
True the Read Tags is an option and by default is Disabled on a fresh install ( I believe )
As to your 'looking for answer' - the more direct is NO there is no link between the two files. You can delete all the entries in the mp3database.txt and then rescan you hard drive and the XML file is not changed. All previous information will stay in the XML. The reverse is the same.

发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 11:44 pm
