Will the DAC 2 only work with Audio? I hear that the DAC 3 will work with both Audio and Video? I will be buying Numarks Cue Soon! I have a DAC 2 already.
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 3:46 pm
There is a custom mapper plugin available for the DAC-2 that will allow video mixing, which you will be able to download once you have purchased Numark Cue (Or VDJ Pro)
发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 1:45 am
midnightmike - DAC2 works with VirtualDJ - it's a matter of programming on what features can be accessed. Out of the box, basic play and loop functions are available. With the mapper that jpboggis mentioned the features list grows tremendously. So if you get CUE or VDJ Pro you will have access to the mapper and be able to use those features.
发表时间 Tue 26 Dec 06 @ 1:52 am