I mean that when i scratch it, it sounds very fake, very a disc man stuck type sound... often it skips i mean VERY often. i managed to bring down the latency a bit. testing out now
发表时间 Sun 24 Dec 06 @ 1:37 pm
ok... latency wise i think it got better but it skips so god damn much... electric skips... like out of tune shit. any ideas?
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 1:55 am
what is ur spec:?
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 2:00 am
Esi Juli@ sound card. external pre amps. virtual dj 4.1
now for some reason i can hear the signal at the same time as the music. if i pause the music i hear the vynil signal on my speakers :S wtf?
now for some reason i can hear the signal at the same time as the music. if i pause the music i hear the vynil signal on my speakers :S wtf?
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 2:57 pm
my card is registering 0 output too so WTF
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 3:03 pm
Chemeh wrote :
my card is registering 0 output too so WTF
please now try the 4.2 demo you should be pleasantly surprised with new features and improvments to the timecode engine :)
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 3:03 pm
Chemeh wrote :
now for some reason i can hear the signal at the same time as the music. if i pause the music i hear the vynil signal on my speakers :S wtf?
now for some reason i can hear the signal at the same time as the music. if i pause the music i hear the vynil signal on my speakers :S wtf?
MUTE the line in/monitor in the PLAYBACK settings of your soundcard ;)
(NOT the record settings)
That way VDJ will hear the signal, and not you ;)
发表时间 Mon 25 Dec 06 @ 3:09 pm
it still skips a lot :S help :S
发表时间 Wed 27 Dec 06 @ 6:55 pm