I hate to suggest it and will probably get shot down in flames for even putting the idea forward, but i am sick of all the negative vibes from people who havent even tried the product yet!!
how about it teamers?
A closed section of the forum for full version users, at least we might be able to discuss the product without trawling through the dross getting posted at the moment..
Leave the rest of the forum as it stands but add a 'full user section'
(I ain't gonna be popular!)
发表时间 Sat 05 Jul 03 @ 1:54 pm
boy are you ever right.....about not being liked....lol......but even i have to say this might be a good idea...however....i would still like to wade through the crap to find the gems of knowledge that is out there regarding this program...learn some tricks before i download the demo and before i buy it...you can bet your booty that i WILL be buying this....but i still want to try the demo....and i for one would like to hear what the full version users have to say about it....i also see your point......lots of drival from those who do not even have the demo....just ignore them....have a good day and a better mix.....lol
发表时间 Sat 05 Jul 03 @ 2:01 pm