
Forum: General Discussion

话题: A common topic for news about Version 4 !!! - Page: 3


bod001PRO InfinityMember since 2006
I am in the uk and still have 11 hours to go, the countdown timer is taking the time from the windows clock. its said its only an estimate so who knows then what time v4 will be available to download. Just have to wait and see i suppose.

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:04 pm
d rocksPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Great to collect all of the qestions about 4.0 on one thread. They're beginning to be too many. I am wondering if new video transitions and visualtions will come with 4.0? Also, will it less particular about zip files for karaoke? Currently 3.4 plays about 25% of the files I currently have. I really don't want to go and unzip and rezip like is posted in one of the stickys. That's 1000's of songs?

BTW, I live in eastern time zone and have about 15 hrs remaining on the clock, but I'm working in Denver this week, does this change availabilty? hahahaha (that's a joke)

Thanks VDJ

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:28 pm
its just a fun script I posted...

Its an estimate, because its not server-side clock, but dependent on the users Windows clock.
So it might be more on the money for some, than others, depending on settings....

Only an estimated time of arrival.. ;)

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:32 pm
Only an estimate? Hmmm... I'm waiting...refreshing my virtualdj.com window!!
DJ Aditya

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 2:41 pm
Nice that an old personally requested feature such as the "STUTTER"-function has been implemented in an typical numark style! :) Score: 1-0 to Virtual DJ! Thank you!

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:09 pm
djkikePRO InfinityMember since 2004
Great, V4.0. I hope it would work well on HDJC MKII.
I that true what i've read that a backup of some files should be done before installing new version?

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:30 pm
You should be backing up anyway. Having to rebuild my xml database would be HORRIBLE!

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:36 pm
A question that I haven't seen asked before:

Does Version 4.0 take advantage of Multi-Threading?

Many programs that I have used have developed Multi-Threading support in their programs within the past year and have improved their performance.
  • WinRAR 3.60
  • JAlbum
  • DivX 6
  • ZBrush 2
These types of CPUs are becoming more abundant and yield better performance:
  • Dual Core (Intel and AMD)
  • Hyper-Threading (Pentium 4)
  • Dual CPU (Not as popular)
I personally have a Hyper-Threading (Pentium 4) 3.4 GHz CPU.

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:44 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Can't wait...
2 questions:

1. Why is the Vmix skin on the download page..? Can I use it with 3.4?


2. Will the old skins work with 4.0?

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:50 pm
As far as I know VDJ supports multithreading ;-)

loading song, user interface, playing song, effects

I am sure not all theese things are in one thread only.

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:51 pm
antileon wrote :
Nice that an old personally requested feature such as the "STUTTER"-function has been implemented in an typical numark style! :) Score: 1-0 to Virtual DJ! Thank you!

What's STUTTER exaclty?

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:54 pm
I'm fairly sure it does, at least on a base level. Most windows programs support some form of multithreading (UI processing separataed from everything else at least).

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:54 pm
"Stuttering (known as stammering in the United Kingdom; sometimes misspelled studdering ) is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases; and involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the stutterer is unable to produce sounds."

hehehe... wait and see in VDJ4 ;)

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:55 pm
dj_cash wrote :
Can't wait...
2 questions:

1. Why is the Vmix skin on the download page..? Can I use it with 3.4?


2. Will the old skins work with 4.0?

You can't use Vmix with Version 3.4; it is a Version 4.0 skin. I do not why it's on the skins page, maybe just as a tease for us.

As far as I know, old skins will work with Version 4.0, but I’d rather make my own once Version 4.0's SDK is released. Don't worry, I'll share it. :-)

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 3:55 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thanx GargantulaKon...
you know what... it was 6 minutes since I posted that message... haha and I have at least 5 messages after the message I wrote... pretty fast...

I'll download the skin now and take a look at the graphics.. :D

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:02 pm
DJ_Cash - Don't know about you but I can't download it - level not high enough :(

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:04 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
"Stuttering (known as stammering in the United Kingdom; sometimes misspelled studdering ) is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words or phrases; and involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which the stutterer is unable to produce sounds."

hehehe... wait and see in VDJ4 ;)

Thanx NORWAY...

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:06 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
"Sorry your level is not high enough to download this add-on."
I'm at the same level as you brotha... :p

I'm not sure if you guys already has seen it... but at the screenshot (on the first page of this topic)... It is something that shows you CPU-level... thats a great feature... You can find it on the top in green color...

caaan'ttt waaaaiiittt.........

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:09 pm
Yes, it's good.

And you can see the entire wave of the track.

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:12 pm
dj_cashPRO InfinityMember since 2004
yeah I saw that... looks great.. MUCH better than the orginal skin from v. 2.0

发表时间 Wed 23 Aug 06 @ 4:13 pm