just want to know if version 4 will support the denon HD2500 controller ? take a look guys http://www.denondjforums.com/dn-hd2500/
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:57 am
depends on how Denon made things... HID (must wait for dev team to make it work) or MIDI (will work in 4.0)
depends on how Denon made things... HID (must wait for dev team to make it work) or MIDI (will work in 4.0)
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 12:58 am
ok, but the denon looks very good i think by the end of the year VDJ will 100.000,000 users wow! dj-in-norway did they do any fixing on the bpm or add album picture support in version 4 ?
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 1:10 am
VDJ4 took a very very long time because of the brand new HQ sound engine that makes ALL things sound damn profesional and crispy clear inside VDJ.
Takes the program to Hi-Fi level with great sound...
And things that follows the new engine, are superb upgraded features for working on the sound :
- HQ master tempo and keylock
- improved pitch, stability, latency, timecode
etc etc etc
So, a few things are on the to-do list for 4.1 and later..
I hope none get disapointed by that fact, but the core fundamentals had to me made from scratch, to make a killer base for the whole program...took time..
So on to do list are such things as new browser, idtags, bpm improvements and so on...
Things will continue to develop after 4.0 :)
Takes the program to Hi-Fi level with great sound...
And things that follows the new engine, are superb upgraded features for working on the sound :
- HQ master tempo and keylock
- improved pitch, stability, latency, timecode
etc etc etc
So, a few things are on the to-do list for 4.1 and later..
I hope none get disapointed by that fact, but the core fundamentals had to me made from scratch, to make a killer base for the whole program...took time..
So on to do list are such things as new browser, idtags, bpm improvements and so on...
Things will continue to develop after 4.0 :)
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 1:18 am
ok cool, dj-in-norway
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 1:21 am
U guys do update pretty quick ;wich is cool... would like a better way of reading/handling music/id3tags... please don't rush the sound engine,timecode, and keylock r worth gettin aquainted to for right now THANKS ;-)
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 1:36 am
master tempo AND key-lock
wow, wonder if it also has time stretch
wow, wonder if it also has time stretch
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 1:45 am
master tempo = timescrecth ... so yes...
timestrech/master tempo let you change the speed (pitch) music without loosing the original key of the song (locks the key to the zero pitch)
keylock is different, it can lock the songs key on any pitch.... say -10%. And stay in that key while you move the pitch after having it keylocked
third possibility is a keychanger, that will change the key regardless of the speed (pitch)...
Well, VDJ 4 is soon out;) wait and see...
timestrech/master tempo let you change the speed (pitch) music without loosing the original key of the song (locks the key to the zero pitch)
keylock is different, it can lock the songs key on any pitch.... say -10%. And stay in that key while you move the pitch after having it keylocked
third possibility is a keychanger, that will change the key regardless of the speed (pitch)...
Well, VDJ 4 is soon out;) wait and see...
发表时间 Tue 22 Aug 06 @ 2:01 am