
Forum: Wishes and new features

话题: Enhanced ID3 v2 Tag Support - Please!!!!


Enhanced ID3 v2 Tag Support

VDJ would be an ever greater product if it could performs searches by ID3 Tag info:
Song Title
Song Artist
Song Year
Song Genre
Song BPM

The search results could then be saved as a Playlist that can be recalled faster next time.

发表时间 Mon 14 Aug 06 @ 6:38 am
SupaconPRO InfinityMember since 2005
I'll add to this that virtualDJ needs to have much more intelligent and greatly customizable filename parsing, since at this juncture I think it's unrealistic for it to immediately support every tag format out there... it does okay with the tags on my AAC files though.

If it could support advanced regular expressions for filename parsing, that'd be the cat's a$$! Then you could make it semi-intelligent...
I mean, come on... how hard is it to determine that two or four numerals is NOT the artist name, for example? I could write a perl script that could probably guess the info for 90% of my files if I had to... it'd be great if I could somehow incorporate that into virtual DJ. Supporting tags would be more sensible, but I use a lot of video, and video doesn't support any tagging, so it has to rely on filename parsing.

I do believe there are plugins that enhance this functionality, no?

发表时间 Mon 14 Aug 06 @ 7:36 pm
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Yes, sources to make a customizable parser are already available. I've got a parser (made by someone I don't remember now) which works good with ID3 v1 & v2 tags, even if there are still some errors.

发表时间 Mon 14 Aug 06 @ 8:21 pm
