
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: which hard drive


which hard drive is better for vdj
5400rpm or 7200rpm?
for laptop and/or desktop?
thanks all

发表时间 Tue 13 Jun 06 @ 3:54 am
7200 rpm will help you in all things you do. load times increase, search times decrease, and moving music around will be quicker provided you have a good processor as well.

Is this a trick question? Anything that you can do to increase the speed of any component, will help with this and any software. I feel the need for speed.

Better SCSI hard drives for faster acces to files.
(But always have a back-up of your music!)

Faster is always better, but HD speed is the LEAST important thing when using VDJ. VDJ loads music on the fly so there is never a load problem, and searches are instant. When a track is loaded, HD speed isn't even an issue then. Unless you'd burn the extra money if you bought a cheaper HD, spend you cash on more important things like more music for exmaple, or advertising.

7200 for a laptop do you mean internal? 7200= MORE HEAT however its alot faster at loading songs from it initially but as was said by Shawnweber VDj loads to ram ..i would go with a 5400 on a laptop simply cause of the heat issue ..heat does cause premature failure

I wouldn't go as far as to say HD speed is the LEAST important thing when using VDJ. If you use a slower hard drive, your tracks will load slower, simple as that. The difference between 5200 and 7200 rpm may not seem like much but it is. It can mean as much as seconds being cut from your loading time. If you have a big memory buffer in the drive it will improve your loading times even more. Having a fast hard drive will also improve the time that is takes to BPM your music as well. In my opinion the speed of your hard drive is just as important as the speed of your CPU. (I use a RAID system in my rig and my tracks load within 5 seconds)

Who cares how fast music files fully load. You are able to use them instantly on the fly while they are loading. If you need to be at the end of the song before it's loaded that part, just click there and you are listening to the unloaded part instantly and VDJ will load at that point before loading the beginning. A fast HD will basically do nothing as music storage for VDJ. Get a slower, more reliable drive which will produce less heat, and fail less. I am using 5400, 7200, and 10k and there has never been an advantage to putting my music on a faster drive (small 10k raptor for the OS, yay!). As far as analyzing your BPM's, you only have to do that once, and I don't think anyone sticks around and watches, waiting for it to finish. There are an unlimited number of ways to spend that cash rather than get a faster drive - get a bigger one =D

(of course I'm refering to the music storage drive - I love my 10k drive for the OS, but that's a different story)

SCSI is old and requires adapters if your board does not support it. SATA II is the way to go. The best way to spend the money is to buy RAID edition hard drives. These are designed for high vibration environments, which by definition is what our business is all about. If you want your computer to perform at its peak the faster the drives, the faster the computer starts up, loads music, etc. especially any software that is harddrive intensive. If you are using a laptop, you are limited in choices for internal drives, but unlimited regarding externals. Remember when using externals on a laptop that the bottleneck is your usb or firewire port. I prefer western digital drives and have only had one failure over a decade.
