
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: MIDI Controller question to paulheu and others


I would like to purchase the following midi controller for use with Virtual DJ and so far I have gotten mixed replies whether it is compatible or not:

paulheu, you mentioned that "Since it uses both note-on and Control change events with equal values it won't fully work with VDJ as-is since VDJ won't know the difference between note-on #13 and CC #13 (as an example..)"
Can you explain this to me a little further since I am new to midi?
If anyone else has any information regarding Faderfox DJ1/DJ2 compatibility with VDJ, please let me know.

发表时间 Fri 26 May 06 @ 7:51 pm
i think it should wirk as far as it is midi.

im no midi expert but im pretty sure midi was improved to know the difference, have a look in the change history on the products menu

VDJ currently doesn't know the difference between notes (Buttons) and CC's (Knobs, sliders, jogwheels) - If two share the same number as each other (Very common, because this should not be a problem normally), they will both trigger the same action in VDJ.

Some MIDI controllers do allow the MIDI commands they send to be customised (So you can make the numbers unique), or a MIDI translator program could be used (Both of these methods require a bit of technical knowledge though.)

Other problems include not being able to recognise left/right jogwheel movements on the same CC (Jogwheel can only be used if left/right movements can be given different CC numbers, so each can be individual mapped) and inverted pitch (Up = Speed up rather than slow down.)

Hopefully the MIDI support in VDJ 4.0 will be improved to recognise the difference between notes and CC's (Essential) and also address the problems with jogwheels and pitch. This is important with the increasing number of MIDI controllers now becoming available.

If VDJ doesn't know the difference between buttons and knobs, why does it work fine with my Oxygyn 8? I use both buttons and knobs for EQ with no problem.

It's only a problem if a knob/slider (CC) and button (Note) share the same MIDI number as each other. VDJ won't know the difference and will treat both as the same. If your MIDI controller does not have any conflicting values, you won't have any problems. My Xsession does not have any conflicting notes/CC's, so works fine.

Conflicts are more likely to occur on a MIDI controller with a large number of buttons/knobs/sliders, such as Behringer BCD2000.

VDJ was upgraded to "midi now uses midi-channel info" back in version 3.2.

if they didnt implement CC and note diferentiaion then i am supprised, pretty stupid if they didnt, but then i dont think they paid for the code they used to implement MIDI compatibility anyway so never mind.

Yes, they added support for MIDI channels, allowing multiple controllers to be used without conflict with each other, but did not add support for differentation between notes and CC's - I was using the DAC-3 with MIDI at the time, but luckily the MIDI commands of that could be remapped so that there were no conflicts. Not all MIDI controllers can be remapped easily though (I.e: Without using 3rd party utilities), and for some people doing this is far too technical.

The other features VDJ needs to fully support most MIDI controllers are (Which I have posted about in the past):

* Ability to interpret the value of a CC as left/right movements of a jogwheel (When mapped to appropriate VDJ action, such as 'scratch', 'scratchwheel', etc.) Many controllers use a single CC with the value being used to indicate whether it is being turned left/right (Typically 0 = Left, 127 = RIght.)

* Ability to invert pitch, so that this operates in the correct way (At present, when mapped via MIDI, moving the slider up will speed up rather than slow down.)

* A nice to have feature is support for course/fine CC's, which allows for a 14-bit rather than 7-bit value, allowing considerably greater precision (I.e: 16384 unique steps rather than the usual 128) This would be particularly useful for a pitch slider, but also useful for more precise control of volume, gains, etc. (If the MIDI controller supports course/fine CC's of course.) For further info, see: http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/ctllist.htm
