
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Looking for rare song (on CD)


Does anyone know where can I have a hand on a CD that has

"Cam and Anz - Hot dogg" song on it. I only found vinyl. And am surrendering after
hour of googling.

Actually if it's not available online, but someone has hand on it and buy it for me I will naturally pay for it....


btw. I need original CD or the mp3 with the bill of payment with exact name of song

发表时间 Mon 03 Apr 06 @ 5:41 pm
I have that track on Mp3, but why do you need bill for it? Wanna go legal on radio or what?

发表时间 Thu 06 Apr 06 @ 10:46 am
i have it in mp3 in low quality, but to play it publically in Slovakia:

- you must play from original CD or vinyl (i don't want vinyl) or
- you can play mp3 that you purchased, but you MUST have a bill with name of the song on it, or
- (if i can get authors permission directly, but written, but it's not commonly a case)


发表时间 Thu 06 Apr 06 @ 12:17 pm
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
It's the same in Slivenia. Try on iTunes.

发表时间 Thu 06 Apr 06 @ 2:56 pm
I have it in 192kbps good quality but no bill, sorry. Try to contact producers.

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 1:50 am
