
Forum: General Discussion

话题: virtualdj version 4 - can we take off the 3 effect slots? - Page: 4


apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
Let me say i like Bagpuss idea too, maybe more slots are needed for his workaround too.
So, as we did our best for suggestions let's see what Dev staff have to say.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 11:38 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
You can see from how popular these threrads are that people love talking and disucssing things with the dev staff in attendance.

Why cant they do it more often?

Dev Staff Q and A section in forums?

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 3:01 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
I made a quick graphic too, to support my idea.
You can see the master section, more than 3 slots on every channel (unlimited via drag and drop).
4 basic controls for the selected effect, and a drop down menu like dev staff said in the main skin, also a filter section.
The idea is to control and tweak one fx at the time from the main skin, but to be able to use more than one at the time, directly like before.
In this example i activated flanger on ch1 using the skin button (or keyboard or midi), while i can tweak 4 of the flanger parameters with a midi controller like the x-station (uc-17) or uc-16.
If i activate another effect the same midi controls will assigned automatically to this effect (last used)
Also 100% compatibility with existing skins and keyboard shortcuts.
(only added features not changed)


发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 3:10 pm
I don't ever use the effects... so i wouldn't miss them if they weren't there.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 4:27 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
The last time the Dev staff asked a simular question it was in regards to the "beat lock" feature, It was a poll about removing some part of it so they could improve another (more important) part of the software, I wonder if this is the case here?, perhaps if we knew what the trade off was we would be able to comment in entirety, so any hints are welcome ;).

Unlike the poll on the "beat lock" this thread is of divided opinion, so I hope there is a work around if the current effects functions present a problem for another important feature/improvement.

Regards, Bagpuss.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 4:56 pm
ReTangoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Answer to 2nd poll.
I´m glad devteam is thinking on how to control effects. I use more filter type effects than beat effects. And can use up to 2 effects simoultanously.

I would love to be able to midi control Freq and Reso of the filter, but I see its not easy to incorporate. some ideas:

Traktor has a drop down on the main interfase, and the slot changes the control parameters depending on the effect: e.g. the eq3 has 3 knobs and a kill butoon, the Xeon eq has 4 knobs and no button, etc...This is functional, but there are only traktor effects, no external dev effects are possible, so no use for VDJ.

I think a good alternative is tu use Reason's Combinator philosophy, also used in ableton live interfase with VST instruments: Have a fixed set of controllers which can be asigned to any effect parameter, and in turn have each controller assigned to a midi cc. In reason´s combinator there are 4 knobs and 4 buttons, in Ableton Live there is an x-y panel.

For VDJ I would suggest on the main skin a slot for each channel with 4 knobs and 4 buttons, all freely asignable to any effect parameter. This would require all the effects to "inform" the skin about its parameters, and to have a way to assign them (the VST standard already solved this) . Then have each knob and button of the main skin assigned to a midi cc.

This does not require to kill the current effects panel. As was suggested before the effect on tha main skin may be one of the 3 on each channel.

If this is not possible, I would like at least to be able to assign each parameter on the current effect pannel to a midi cc (e.g. pressing mouse right button on an effect slider, and press "assign to midi cc", just as in ableton live or reason!)

In any case, I hope Dev Team finds a way for us to play freelly with freq and resonance ... I love those sweeps! And thanks for incorporating us into the loop!

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 5:09 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 5:19 pm
hey i like Bagpuss idea on how he did that drawing i think that would be a good idea on how to set up 6 effects or i think nine.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 5:47 pm
Dj ZebHome userMember since 2005
I´m Fredrik and have a Resident that has VDj on a Stationary Computer..I only bringing my External Hd for my gigs.
The Mixer I use hasn´t Enough Inputs, so they have the Rca-Cables from Vdj on Phonoinputs but then I must have the RIAA effect On all the time...
I would like to add the RIAA-effect in the Setup (Settings) for the Main Output,
Then I would´t have to Use the Effect button All the Time................If you can do that I´m in for One Effect button
/Dj Zeb

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 5:48 pm
Dj Zeb why are u posting the same topic from another forum. ur question has nothing to do with this topic.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 7:50 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
yes it does. what he wants to be able to do is set an effect to be on permenantly and not have to use an effects slot. and thats exactly what were all talking about here.

im happy how things are at the moment. all id like to change is allow the effect paramiters to be assignable to shortcuts (both keyboard and MIDI) and have slots for master effects.

and im sure its allready the case what with the new sound engine and all but please make sure it works well with ASIO as almost everything when using ASIO at the moment causes a click or crackle when switched on or off.

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 10:05 pm
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
@Bagpuss you are crazy :D this is what i am asking for! ;)
100% agree with u ;)

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 10:16 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Cheers Xeon :), let's just hope we get the outcome we want ;).

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 10:25 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

发表时间 Thu 16 Mar 06 @ 11:54 pm
Dev staffHome userSenior staffMember since 2003
Ok so here is how things will be:

There will be five logical effect slots per channel, so you can apply up to five different effects simultaneously on each channel (I know that many is not needed, but since it doesn't take any more space with the new layout, let's play it safe).
But on the effect page, you will only see two effect slots, the one for left deck and the one for right deck (and possibly a third for master, to be confirmed).
The whole list of plugins can be accessed and used in just one click, so unless you really need to apply two effect simultaneously you'll always use the same effect slot.
The four other slots can be brought into attention by small arrows that select which logical slot is displayed.
That way, you have much more space in the effect page for the plugin dedicated controls.

To access one particular plugin, you can either click on the effect name, which brings up a list of all available plugins, and then click on the plugin you want (if you have that many plugins, you can organize them by folders, which will show up as submenus in the list).
Or, you can assign a shortcut that says "select beatgrid plugin" or "select and activate beatgrid plugin" for example.
(and when I say shortcut, I also mean controller buttons or MIDI commands of course).

To summarize, the whole idea is to stop thinking about effect "slots", where you only have three loaded at a time, and you say things like "I want to activate effect slot 2", but rather think in term of "plugins" directly, where you can say things like "I want to activate plugin beatgrid".
You'll only have to worry about "slots" again if you need to activate two or more plugins simulaneously.

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 3:54 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
@Dev Staff: It sounds perfect in theory :), I'll look forward to seeing how it works in practice.

Thanks for (once again) allowing the Users to get involved and appearing on the forum, appreciate it :).

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 4:27 am
Dev staffHome userSenior staffMember since 2003
ok a last question:

does it happen often that you want to activate effects on both decks, and play with the parameters on both decks simultaneously?

Or in other words:
Do you prefere to have in the effect page two windows for the plugins' controls, one for each deck?
Or does it make more sense to have only one, so you can tune your plugin, then decide on which deck you want to apply it?

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 5:52 am
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
The way it is actually with one window is good for me. No need to play with both parameters of effects on both decks.

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 10:25 am
for me one window would be enough if i have a knob or something to apply the ammount of effect (wet/dry) i want in each deck. That way i can adjust it different in each deck if needed. :)

Anyway, i would like to thank all staff for the great work they are doing to improve this great program :))

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 12:43 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Same as above for me.

发表时间 Fri 17 Mar 06 @ 1:16 pm