
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Skipping problem in 3.4


After the upgrade, the first time I load a song while another one is playing, it causes the playing song to stop for a split-second. After that it doesn't happen.

My time stretch and limiter are disabled, I can't think of any other relevant settings.

发表时间 Mon 06 Mar 06 @ 5:00 pm
Look at the two other important thing in vdj:
* "reactivity" for the processor
* "max load" for the memory

My reactivity was fast, and my max load was 15 min.

I set both of those to lower values, and the problem still happens. I have an Inspiron 9300, with a gig of RAM. It only started happening after the update, and it only happens the first time I load a song.

What kind of song do you use: mp3 (cbr or vbr) , wma (drm or no-drm)? Have you defrag your hard disc?

I use mp3's exclusively. I haven't defragged, it is something that happened only after the update. I will defrag tonight and see if that takes care of the problem.

Disable Time Stretch, The update turns it on by Default, not sure if this is intentional but it occured when I installed the update.

The Timestretch currently causes skips for a great deal of it's users, this is expected to be fixed in the new update.

Timestretch is disbled, and I defragged my hard drive, and it still happens.

Any other thoughts? Thanks!!

do you use usb (sound card or hard disc)?

I am a new user to and had the same problem. I couldn't figure it out, so I finally gave in and re-formatted my computer. I have all my audio files on another HD so I just re-loaded windows and the essiantals and it worked fine. I am using 2 m-audio audiophile 2496 cards on a 3.0GHz with 1GB ram.


I disagree with you as it depends on the amount of memory you have. So it's better to start with a little value
(and then you can try to increase the value if you really need it but in general it's useless) Personnaly i think 15 min is a good value. By the way you can customize this value with more precision in the registry

@Cel I agree with you in theory, but the reality as it stands is quite different.

When you set max load to always: it loads the song into complete memory regardless of how it 'perceives' it's length, so it uses that memory to full advantage (as you know).

When setting max load to less than "Always" it can take forever to load an unanalyzed file, and this could causes skipping if you were to play a file during this time, as sometimes an unanalyzed file is perceived to be 45 minutes long for example, it's possibly a bug.

He has 1024mb of RAM which is enough to have max load on always, I have 512mb Ram, max load is on always, reactivity is set to fast and never a single skip unless I have 3 or 4 memory consuming apps open at one time.

In fact, i prefer 15 min as in reality we never know if the memory is well free (=cleaned) even if in theory it must be the case ;-)

We are both right and in fact it depends on the case and the length of the song especially

True :).

All that is cool, but hopefully 4.0 will eliminate these issues forever. also it would be nice to add a smart scan for the database i.e. bieng able to highlight & scan more than one file at a time or if you scan an entire hd , it recognizes the files already scanned & skips to the unscanned files. Just hopefull wishes.

Quick questions for you guys.

I'm having the same problem, but only when I load songs from a CD into
my laptop. not from the songs in my notebook. I have an athlon 64 3000+ 1.8 ghz, 512 of ram and max load is at 10 mn. Should I try setting
max load to always?

Thank You.

I left somthing out. I have this problem only when loading from cds and using TCV.

Thanks again.


When you use TCVs you demand more speed and processor resources than if you don't use them. I think your system is reaching his limits when you try TCVs and loading CDs... Try to ripp your CDs. A notebook has limitations in the CD-player and uses the same channel than is used by your hard disk, that's why you have problems when you demand more to your system.

Try to use Reactivity in Medium or slow and maybe you can fix this doing that. My advice is that optimize your system, delete all temp files (even Internet Explorer Cache files), defrag your hard disk and reboot and try again VDJ.

Hope this helps,

Thank you acw dj.

I will try out your suggestions. But can you please tell me what
you mean by ripp my cd's.

Thanks again.


Try to pass your CD songs to a mp3 file songs. That's why I meant.
