
Forum: Old versions

Topic: VDJ freezes when trying to access internet


I'm a newbie and trying to get my new system up and going.

It's a P4 3GHz
1Gig RAM
FX GeForce 5500
VDJ v3.3
no slouch.

Everything goes fine, abuse the crap out of the program. Playing two mpeg2 vides same time
with both on secondary display, flipping the hucules fader fully back and forth while at
the same time giving BOTH jog wheels on the DAC-3 a good spin and everything just works until...

my wireless network card tried to access the internet and didn't get a good signal. It caused VDJ
to lock up and "buzz", actually, the whole computer just locked. Had to restart with reset button.
OK, so I disabled the network card. Well, autorun was on for DVD drive. I turned it off. Still froze.
went through VDJ settings and saw the auto update and napster settings on, so turned them off.
The next thing that caused it to lock up was a bad sector on an external hard drive plugged in via USB2.
I wasn't even using it at the time! I did drag a file off it and it was fully loaded into RAM when it locked.
I am getting all this info fom the Windows "Event Viewer". Every time it locks up, it encounters a very
minor error. Is the program so unstable that a bad sector on an external drive will cause it to crash?
So unstable that not finding an internet connection will cause it to crash?

At present, the system is running fine with all the above addressed. Right now, my confidence in this is
way low. It works great when it works, but if something so minor as a wireless router going down
will end my show, what am I to do?

发表时间 Tue 21 Feb 06 @ 12:37 am
What version are you using? Another thing, why do you have to be connected to the net, when you are working? Maybe your router is sharing an IRQ with your soundcard, videocard, or both. Or something else. When I am in the club, I am connected, but I dont have an issue. But I am on dial-up, and can have an issue when I connect sometimes. So I connect first.

I am using 3.3

I don't have to be connected to the net to work. The system by default trys to access the net for various reasons, and when it trys and can't it causes VDJ to lock up. There are no conflicts. Right now, it has been playing non stop without any problems for hours becuase the network card and ethernet card are disabled, and all software is configured so it wont try to connect to the net. If it trys to connect and it is successful, it's fine. If it trys and can't connect, it crashes. It has also crashed due to a bad sector file on the external hard drive connected via USB. I wasn't using the drive at the time, it was just connected.

This is so baffeling. I don't understand why these things would cause it to crash.

Again, I am getting this info by reading the event viewer. Every time it has locked up, there has been an error or warning related to the system trying to connect to the net.

The best tip I can give you is to get a laptop or a PC just for Virtual DJ use that will never connect to the internet. Connecting to the internet isn't very wise.

If you need to connect for drivers / updates and registrations etc make sure that's all you do or your going to pick up viruses, spyware and loads of other crap that will bugger up your PC and stop Virtual Dj running properly.

I totally understand and agree. This is a brand new rack mount system that was build solely for DJing. I have no interest in trying to connect to the internet. I have a wireless network card in it so I can connect to home network. Not do ebay etc. When windows automatically trys to connect, on it's own, and can't, it crashes (freezes) VDJ and entire computer.

AGAIN, I don't want to go online. Various software does, and that's what is causing the problem.

disable in vdj settings: updates + statistics

It will be better i think

Yes, I realize this, and I've done that, but if for some reason a setting changes and it tries to access a network, it locks up. Why? Is this a bug? Am I the only one with this problem? This is a brand new system, built for this.

It would be so nice if there was a tech support phone number....

Do you use the network inside VirtualDJ (the one to synchronyse cbg with 2 instances) ? Otherwise VirtualDJ only connect when opening for 'updates' , when closing for 'statistics' and recently if you use napster

Not using network within VDJ. This is the network via wireless card, usb wireless card, or ethernet. If I stick a CD in DVD ROM and it tries to access cddb and doesn't find a connection, VDJ will crash.

Are your files DRM protected?

I don't know what that means, but I can say the very same files play fine on another system that is nearly identical.

Have their been issues with using a wireless network card maybe?

I'm thinking this is a hardware issue at this point because we've tried to duplicate the situation on another identical system, and the other system has no issues when loosing a network connection during performance.
