
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Digital Files Degrade... any suggestions?


Okay, I know we were all told that computers don't make mistakes, and that digital files would last forever... well, it isn't true folks!

I started my music collection (DO NOT LAUGH) back in the original napster days... Since then I became a VD/DJ/KJ... I own all my karaoke disks... I seek high and low for various videos (not all music here) and about 2/5 of my mp3s I own and 3/5 I got otherwise.

I'm sort of a computer pack-rat. I save everything I can get my hands on. I have files that I got in a previous relationship of artists I would NEVER listen to, but I keep them anyway.

Some of my files have been digital since early 1999. Additionally, I have upgraded, on average, twice a year every year since then, some times more. Given this, these files have probably been moved 12 or more times from one hard drive to another or another medium.

Now I go to play some of these files and I get pops in an almost predictible pattern.

Can ANYONE recommend a program that may be able to analyze these files and "fix" them?

Well, that's it... you can share you experiences as well.

发表时间 Fri 20 Jan 06 @ 10:38 am
OKay, the one problem we had was on the school network 5 years ago. Some protocols have not good error chcekcing and when we copied over netwrok movies or mp3's you can hear there blips.

Did you copy it thru network at least one time ?

our solution was to disable all the IPX and NETBUI protocols and let ther ebe only tcp/ip

not sure whether this relates to you ... but maybe...

The problem with "the other medium" where you backup your songs is that maybe was defective or lost his propierties (like a floppy does after certain among of time). I don't really be sure that you could recover with some software this files if that was the problem.

Good Luck!

It isn't a single file that gets LOST... it is a file degrades... Like an LP if it isn't taken care of... over time, you get pops and clicks... the song still plays, just not like it was in the beginning.

It 's like that in all magnetic media, the media (and the files) degrades, and don't let you read it accurately the file and gives you errors.


if the file is transfered internaly in a computer the errors in transmition should be tiny and all shoud be detected. lopez is correct that over LAN or WAN protocol limmitations prevent total data integrity and if you have and MP3 that has passed from Kazaa user to Kazaa user as many time as most old songs on these networks have then there is every chance that there will be some glitches in these files. stick with RAR releases (or buy the damn thing lol). oh and harddrives will take years and year of sitting idle to start to lose their magnetic data integrity. harddrives constantly re-write data as RAM does when the magnetic value of a cluster becomes indistinct. removable magnetinc meadia however will degrade conciderably.
