
Forum: Old versions

Topic: whats the latency for virtual dj?


Just wondering cuz serato scratch live is 7 or 8 miliseconds or sumthing like that. I dont wanna pay 5 hundred bucks cuz my computers is state of the art. Basicly I build them and this is a gaming multimedia computer. However if the latency is higher I might save for the serato. If anyone can help that would be great. bassicly the time coded vinyl is what im going for cuz i have two technics 1200s just wondering the latency.

Thanks guys .


发表时间 Thu 19 Jan 06 @ 4:10 am
With good drivers, a nice quality sound card and a good tweaked system you might come down to 3-5ms latency. But that is for me personally. Others might have better latency results.
I'm using the Maya 44 USB sound card with latest drivers.

my latency varies between 2-4ms

But its quite an investment to get low numbers like this. Get a good ASIO soundcard and your latency should be very good

I have 2ms only and one other in the forum claims that he has 1ms...

Good enough for you?

Youve got too be kidding. The virtual dj is lower latency then the serato scratch live! Thats a 5 hundred dollar program. So wat yur saying is get maya 44 or watever that usb sound hub is for a hundred bucks and 2 time coded vinyl and I save 3 hundred dollars instantly? Seems fishy and too good to be true. in wat systems are these latencys on? I have a pentium 4 3ghz good ddr 2 and abit mobo. I am a little skepticle about it being $ miliseconds whoa. If serato is 7 or 8. Any problems with these when cueing? I saw the one tascam video where the point on the record would move after scratching for awhile so a visual cue on the record moves. Is this true for virtual dj? Lemme know then


hi, when im using programs such as guitar rig 2 and traktor 3 i can comfortably set my buffer latency to 64 samples at 91Khz (apparently that 0.7ms) however with VDJ and timecode use to get a clean and smooth opperation (and the fact that it can only use 44.1K samples a second meaning that the latency is double what it could be) i have to use 128 @ 44.1 and thats like 3.something. mabey with some tweaking of the ASIO subsystem this could be reduced but its allready more latency free than i need and if its better than serrato (ive seen ssl quote 0-10ms btw) then its fine for me.

at the end of the day if your using a software like ableton that can use any asio or WDM sound device then your latency can be as little as your hardware supports. because SSL uses its own dedicated hardware, a set latency figure for this is more accurate. at the end of the day you will not notice much difference between 5ms and 15ms. althought having said that when i play using gutar rig 2 with the latency at like 20ms (for experimentation) playing the guitar sounds distant and un-connected, i think this is more noticable playing something intimate like a guitar where reactions are more important to get the right feel of the instrument than decks where mostly your just lining 2 songs up and doing things in the hardware side with a mixer etc.

So yur saying virtual dj with a maya 44 usb sound hub is better than a serato scratch live system? Im confused about the whole process and want too make sure b4 i hand out 5 hundred bucks. I have 2 sound cards just reg sound blasters. It says i can use a souncard without asio or watever it is. is this true. im gonna try to connect sound cards and use asio4all like the other fella recomended. If ya can hgelp please leave me a message.

I dj for scratching and beat mixing a club so i want to sound professional as i can as quick scratching as i do might be faster than a few miliseconds.


if the latency for something was even as much as 10ms, that would mean a hundredth in a seccond, if you can scribble scratch 100 times in a seccond you should be at the DMCs mate. i dont know what the latency of the MAYA is but im sure you could find out on their website. latency is not the only measure of how good a system is. The re-packaged RME interface that SSL uses is very very very good. infact SSL in general is very very good. im not going to say that one is better than the other, thats a judgement call, but what i can tell you is you get whatyou pay for. if you buy a maya soundcard (forget latency for a seccond) and you expect it to have as high quality sound as an RME then your silly.

You could get a M-Audio Delta 44 or Delta 66 or a better soundcard to get working with VDJ. Maybe could get your VDJ+TCVs+Soundcard = SSL solution, but; one thing is that if in the future XYZ soundcard is better, you could change it and use it with VDJ and with SSL you couldn't do that.

if you don't find any other soundcard than a Creative one, then you could choose X-Fi Platinum soundcard and get as low as 2ms in ASIO mode. It's up to you.

I keep my m44 at "Normal" in the software, i think around 40ms...it' great for beat matching even for some scraching.

...i used Serato not to long ago, and believe me....the things you can do with VirtualDJ.
