
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Hercules, VDJ and NO SCRATCH??? MixVinbes u can!!! - Page: 1


Just a question, I would LOVE to get an answer too, before bying the full VDJ :
- WHY cant u scratch on Jogweels?? Have a button (on skin/program) that defines if Jogweel is in VINYL mode or REGULAR mode... So that u can scratch with it as well

In MixVIbes 5 u can!! and its pretty good scratching as well :) not perfect....but still


Love, Dj in Norway

发表时间 Fri 16 Apr 04 @ 2:13 pm
LOL, do you really find the MixVibes scratch good?

I prefer scratch with my mouse or with the joystick of my DJConsole in VirtualDJ, I don't have this strange latency the scratch take to restart in MixVibes!


True... Its a bit slow to start (MixVibes) - and thats why I ask the VDJ team/pro users if there is any plans for jogwheel scratch for VDJ, which just might be better than MixVibes.

Even though the scratch is not that great in MiVibes, u can still practise and learn - and find your own kinda way to use it (of course different from using regular vinyl)

The "joystick" on Hercules is ok, but far to sensitive for any good use.

Hopefully the VDJ team will make a VINYL mode for jogwheel on hercules soon - if so - I will be the FIRST to buy the program! :)

Dj InNOrway

and.... ONE really nice thing u also gotta consider, when having vinyl-mode-jogwheels (e.g. in MixVibes) are other advantages - as manual backspinn and other things that vinyl-mode can offer...

If u don't like the vinyl-mode-jogwheels, u can turn them off, and use them regular (catch up tune etc) ... at least u have that CHOICE in MixVibes....


A hint to the VDJ TEAM :)

A-soon-to-become-full-costumer-dj-from-norway? ;)

I've not really found any of the applications to be great for scratching with the Hercules DJ console. I've been playing with both the bundled VDJ and now the bundled Mixvibes. I find VDJ much better for scratching, so long as I use the mouse (well, actually I use a home-made mouse-hack turntable). For some reason Mixvibes has a really long latency for me, and even compensating for that I can't make the scratching sound good.

With VDJ, if I pause the deck, the jog wheels do an ok job of scratching, but still not as good as using the mouse.

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. With my mouse-hack turntable, I can do proper backspins in VDJ if I click on the wave dispay as the mouse cursor wraps around when it gets to the side of the screen - this is cool. Doesn't work if I click on the little turntable pictures though as it stops scratching as soon as the cursor gets out of reach.

mouse-hack turntable ?!?

tell me more (-;


Well, the construction is down to the individual, but the basic idea is to take a mouse and somehow attach a spindle to the horizontal movement encoder wheel. Then attach some kind of turntable to the spindle and when you turn the turntable, the mouse moves left and right. So you position the cursor in the right place, press the left mouse button and scratch away.

Mine started out life as a playstation beatmania controller, and in fact still works as one. I gutted it, used the hub from a dead hard drive (has amazing bearings in it) and attached it all together (ok, it took me weeks of part time fiddling) and wired up two top-mounted mouse buttons. It spins fantastically, hence the ability to do backspins.

The only thing I'd like to do to it is make the turntable touch sensitive so it automatically "presses" the mouse button when you touch it, and releases it when you let go. I've seen someone else do this, but I could never find out the details of how it was done - something to do with capacitance. I think that's sort of how CD Turntables do it too. Anyone who knows how, I'd love to hear!!

Before I got my Hercules console I used it for scratching and controlling some other software by hooking it up as a playstation controller to the PC using a PSX->USB converter. That gives me 7 buttons as well as the up/down control from the turntable (it works the same as the Hercules jog dials).

One day I'll do up a web page with it on!


Ahh, you got me thinking about this now - I did some research and (being a Mac user also) I realised that the answer could be in this little gem -


it has a sensitive shuttle action and you can assign the press to be a mouse click. so it looks like you can move your mouse cursor to the onscreen vinyl and use the powermate to press and scratch - keeping your other hand free to do some nice crossfader action !!!

now for my next question ...

is it possible to reverse the crossfader on VirtualDJ ?
a hamster switch as it's known on scratch mixers
a technique used by most serious scratch DJs

anyone ?

look forward,


The Powermate does look like a possible option. A couple of things you'd need to know:

* Is there a significant latency between moving the controller and the computer acting on it

* Does it work like a mouse, using a mouse driver, or does it only send discrete "pulses" like keypresses, one for one direction, one for the other. This is how the hercules jog dials work, hence you can map a key press to each direction of the jog wheel. If it does the latter, you may run into problems if the "resolution" of the pulses isn't high enough. On my turntable, the original PSX encoder works like the hercules jog dials, and there's a very obvious maximum number of pulses per second it can generate before it appears to the computer like the pulse is one long continuous one. I haven't found the maximum speed of the mouse part yet! In simple terms that means if you backspin with the PSX encoder you would get a continuous speed until the turntable was spinning slowly enough for the computer to detect the individual pulses. If you backspin using the mouse part the speed is directly related to the speed the turntable is spinning at all times. That said, on the Traktor demo I tried, the software had a maximum scratch speed anyway, so backspins sounded a bit cack.

i prefere use this for remote controle winamp or windows media player, i m not sure that it will be usefull for vdj.

Marius le malin - you have a powermate ?!? is it possible to position the cursor over the vinyl on the VirtualDJ interface and then use the Powermate to push down (a la mouse click) and turn it back and forth to scratch the vinyl ?

look forward


I don't have it but it's easy to see that for scratching that not the best way.

Pepole with the Dj Console don't want to scratch with the joystick, with are we use another joystick for that ?

I'm just waiting the XP10, I can saw them on a Party in Paris (France) and they are Fabulous !

I agree with Marius le malin :
XP10 are wonderfull !

DJ Mix Station users,
Be carefull, DJ Mix station #2 doesn't support these controlers.

DJ Console users,
Since scratching is critical for you and now, the competitor MixVibes can do that, I suggest you to post a topic in the new features forum about that.

Have fun with VDJ.
Regards, Laurent.

I have test the hercule DJ console and she is very easy to use it's funy and easy

Dj in Norway,

What do you mean? i can scratch with jogdials on my hercules using VDJ, why should i use mixvibes?

could you explain how you scratch with your jog wheels in Virtual DJ ?

I am using the Hercules version of VDJ and I can only seem to scratch using the joystick (not worth trying !!!)



I'm still trying to find out how you can scratch with the jog wheels !!! Dj cannonball - you say you can do it ? how?!?! please let me know - thanks


you can scratch if you pause a disc.. try pausing the disc you are running and then scratch with the jog wheels...

so the basic is:
pause & scratch

if you get a minimum aquainted you can do good effect without using the stick (which is very useful to load songs)

bye bye

thanks - I'll try it !!!

