
Forum: General Discussion

话题: switching virtualdj to cds(how) - Page: 1


What's ya?
Im buying virtualdj and I need some info. I am using cd players, and I like to would like to know
do I need a mixer with 4/channels. I also need to know when I need to use cd how do you switch.
PS- When I went to the dj expo I forgot to ask that question. Thanks for the feed back.

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 10:14 am
usually mixers have switching inputs so you can
have 2 channel mixer and connected left deck of virtual dj to the 1st channel
and also left cd player to the 1st channel. You can choose by the switch on the mixer
which of them you want to hear. The same is for the second mixer channel with right vdj deck and right cdplayer.

Of course if you want to play stereo thru vdj and have separately each deck as I described. You need a soundcard that has at least 2 outputs (front/rear speakers) (any 4.1 5.1 7.1) or multiple soundcards.

Most new notebooks/computers have built in such soundcard but if you are looking for something of good quality look for "hdaudio compliant" - it's the definition that there's a good soundcard. But of course you can buy separate pro cards like MAYA usb for example and don't care what's in you pc/notebook.

If there's still anything unclear feel free to ask...

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 12:51 pm
Thanks Big L!!!!! for the info. I have another question for you. What type of audio interface should I use. And can I use any kind of audio/interface. I want to get one thats audio and midi because I want to set up a little studio to play around with.Oh ye!!!! I want it to be a controller type of mixer. I want it to serve to purposes. I have the Reason progam that makes music. PS any suggestions. Thanks.

发表时间 Wed 28 Sep 05 @ 5:04 am
jazworld: I personnaly would reccomend you to wait for new behringer and new console in order to see whats there and not to punch your head to the wall after you buy something and a week later something cool is out :-)

Regarding midi and stuff: if you have mixer you just can really buy a good soundcard (hercules was good) with midi stuff and midi connector so you can connect a sythetiser or just a midi keyboard and play like on piano. ANyway herc was not such a good midi controller. Just wait for the Herc. MK2 and behringer.

It's all you need.

发表时间 Wed 28 Sep 05 @ 4:06 pm
I would get a 4 channel mixer, this way you are not limited to only 2 outputs at a time. Some are the same size as a 2 channel.

发表时间 Wed 28 Sep 05 @ 8:07 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
If you want to use a pair of mixer channels, and a nother pair for CD-Players then I recommend you to use a mixer with USB sound cards like the Numark DM950USB or the CM200USB. This last one have 10 Line inputs, 3 phono inputs and 3 MIC inputs + 2 USB sound cards.

You can wait for the DJ Console2 or the BDS-2000 but neither of these have 2 Line inputs to connect 2 cd-players. But these controlers will give you the midi interface and another USB cards. These mixers and these controllers complement each other just fine.

发表时间 Wed 28 Sep 05 @ 9:54 pm
thanks again BIG L and a man and his music and you to acw dj. I'll holla at you guys later.

发表时间 Fri 30 Sep 05 @ 6:53 am
quick question. Can I use the Tascam us-122 as a interface with virtualdj.

发表时间 Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 9:45 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
No, Tascam US-122 is a simultanious 2 channel audio controller. You only have 2 channels, not 4. The central 1/4" inputs are for use with guitars effects. So you only have two line inputs... and we need 4 (L1 R1 and L2 R2 for twho cd-players or Turntables)

发表时间 Fri 07 Oct 05 @ 4:24 pm
What's up [acw-dj]. Can you give me some interface brands name I can use. Internal and external.

发表时间 Sat 08 Oct 05 @ 6:49 am
[acw_dj] Im going to be using cd turntables and I have about $150 to $200 to spend on a interface. What should I get to go with virtualDJ.And does the input have to be line in or audio in or analog. HOLLA BACK thanks again for the info.

发表时间 Sat 08 Oct 05 @ 10:28 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
I Recommend:

1.- Buy VirtualDJ

2.- Buy Maya 44 USB

Use Maya 44USB or Wait for Behringer BCD-2000 Midi Controller.

发表时间 Sat 08 Oct 05 @ 5:28 pm
udgataHome userMember since 2005
Hi this is DJ Udgata
how should i Pre-Listen a Track in da demo of VDJ?

发表时间 Sun 09 Oct 05 @ 9:34 am
hi udgata,
welcome to this community,

It's not possible in the demo version.

Btw. this question was asked many times, and if you looked at "frequently asked questions post"
or used the search feature you should find it for sure. Have a look around and you will find many
interesting things. If you don't find what you need to know, just feel free to ask.

I think many good guys here will try to help you.

Good spinning to you.


发表时间 Sun 09 Oct 05 @ 12:01 pm
So the maya 44 USB can be use with CD tables to interface with virtual dj

发表时间 Mon 10 Oct 05 @ 7:48 am
were can I buy the maya 44

发表时间 Mon 10 Oct 05 @ 10:35 am

I just got mine today. I can now send VDJs Deck A & Deck B outputs to my mixer seperately to mix. I also connected the outputs of my CD controller to the inputs on the Maya and I can use the Time Coded CDs from VDJ to control the pitch and Cue/Play Pause.

Pretty Cool.

发表时间 Tue 11 Oct 05 @ 2:38 am
Does anyone have a picture of the maya 44 and a cd turntable and mixer hooked up with a computer.

发表时间 Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 7:44 am
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

Sorry Jazworld, we have some pictures and diagrams that let us connect Maya 44 USB with The mixer and TTs, but much of them are only for full members only.

发表时间 Wed 12 Oct 05 @ 3:18 pm