
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Monitoring Non-Playing Deck w/Headphones



I'm a new user of VDJ, pretty simple to use. The song structure analyzer helps a bit when crossfading to the next song but I often find myself mixing right into something less-than-ideal.

I'm assuming there is some way to monitor the "off-deck" (the one that the audience cannot hear) but I don't know how. Does it involve a second sound card? Are there any "gotchas" when purchasing one? I'm running WinXP Pro so I'm assuming a second card will not cause too much hardware grief.

Also, where would the settings be for this? Can I use one set of headphones to accomplish this? I'm *thinking* I could have two video cards but have one card's output/left deck be sent into only the left headset and the other card's output/right deck be sent to the right headset.

Does this sound sane? Is there a better way to do this? If anyone has ANY suggestions I'd appreciate it.


发表时间 Sun 25 Sep 05 @ 8:05 pm

You need to be a full license user of a legitimate version of Virtual Dj to use the headphone features. Will make your mixes easier once you can enable this feature. Buy the product and the features you need will become available. Also, matching your BPM's can help keep the beat steady. Also read the excellent Dj-In-Norway's advice colum in the Mixes forums. If you want to hear what good mixes sound like, tune in to Virtual Dj radio, or better yet, tune in during the upcoming special session of Disco!

VDJ Batibiri
Cult Leader, Member of the Virtual Dj Radio Tropicana Family (The Family is One - LOL!)

发表时间 Sun 25 Sep 05 @ 9:12 pm
Hi Shaggy,

Thanks for the reply.

I actually have purchased the full version, I'm just at work right now so I'm not able to provide my registration code.

But do I need a second sound card?


发表时间 Sun 25 Sep 05 @ 10:22 pm
It is not necessary to have a second sound card. If you already have a 4.1, 5.1 or 7.1 sound card you could use this for your setup. You could set the front speakers to your mix and set the rear speakers to your headphone.
Like said before, this is only working with the full version of VDJ

发表时间 Sun 25 Sep 05 @ 11:01 pm
I'm finally home, loaded up VDJ.

I see Set > Sound Config. I have two columns which can be controlled independently. On the left is a sound card, a sound card with 4.1 overlaid on the image and a dual card pic. I've set it to the 4.1.

I have a Soundblaster PCI512, btw. My sound drivers and DirectX drivers are all 100% up-to-date.

On the right I have a pic of a speaker, a pic of a speaker and a pair of headphones and in the third box I see a mixer. I've selected speakers plus headphones.

So ...where do I tell VDJ to move the left deck to the front speakers and the right deck to the back speakers?

Actually, I'm beginning to think that this sound card isn't 5.1, 4.1 or 7.1 compatible because it only has one out and one of *those* would have more outs.

Hm. Can anyone offer some advice? I might just throw in another sound card. Looks like this is capable of handling it (the two sound cards option) but ...where would I tell each deck to go to each card??


发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 12:08 am
Hey Jason just to be on the up and up could you please add your Serial Number into your profile?


发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 12:33 am
Wow we havent seen a crack this old in awhile 1.06! I'm feeling nastalgic myself where is my lava lamp? @bodhisoma please uninstall this version of Virtual dj you won't get any support here for your crack.

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 12:56 am
Crack is Whack! Oh well, our job is to help the "Crackheads" become clean through buying the full version. LOL!

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 1:01 am
TileTomPRO InfinityMember since 2017
"I actually have purchased the full version, I'm just at work right now so I'm not able to provide my registration code." I hope he can get a refund from whomever he bought it from!

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 1:53 am
Wow, you guys are brutal.

I purchased this machine at a flea market maybe three or four months ago. This program is on it. Therefore I purchased this program.

Listen up, geniuses. If I ask some 68 year-old woman standing on a church lawn to fork over all the software licenses for her grandson's game PC I'm going to get a stare kind of like a dog after you've shown it a card trick.

And for all of you who point out that it's a cracked version so I should now delete it, don't insult the intelligence of everyone here.

You'd feel obligated to delete the copy of Final Cut Pro when your buddy lets you buy his Mac G5 because you're a graphic arts major and he's going to spend the next two years with the Peace Corps?


I've gotta say, this program is awesome and if the current version is as inexpensive as I've heard ($60ish) then I'll probably end up getting it.

But I sure as hell won't be coming here for support.

What a bunch of dicks.


PS: Reply all you want, meatheads, the bookmark will be deleted before this even finishes posting.

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 4:00 am
TileTomPRO InfinityMember since 2017
Well, I never!


发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 4:08 am
A possible future customer left the building....

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 6:38 pm
acw_djPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005
He was caught up, and then he feel ofended... it's amaizing...

发表时间 Mon 26 Sep 05 @ 8:23 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
The licesne is non transferable, unless permission is given by atomix productions, read your eula.

发表时间 Tue 27 Sep 05 @ 7:41 am
