
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Audigy 2 ZS



Im building a virtual DJ timecode vinyl setup, and I'm gonna buy a new sound card, will the Audigy 2 ZS do the job?? I would like to know if anyone has used this card before for a TCV setup and can confirm me this is really good!


发表时间 Sat 17 Sep 05 @ 10:26 pm
I use Audigy 2 ZS Platinum. If you are going to buy a Sound Blaster, the only 2 models that sure will work are Platinum and Pro (in Audigy2 or X-Fi models). The Audigy 2 Video theorically works, and the Audigy 4 too... The only issue is that maybe you get a display with -8 % pitch in VDJ, reinstalling VDJ correct this problem (if occurs).

Good Luck!, and after try it; buy here the Full version of VDJ in thhis site (you get a lot LESS problems).





Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro is suitable as I describe in my last post. The Maya 44 USB look expensive, but it has many users with great results. The Maya 44 USB is going to be unavailable in the near future because was discontinued in July 2005. It's a shame; we can't find another soundcard with his characteristic at the same range of price.

I find the X-Fi Platinum and X-Fi Platinum Pro, more suitable than Audigy 2, because I feel the 48KHz sample rate of the Audigy 2 could be a problem. In X-Fi you could have 44KHz to 192KHz, but in Audigy 2 is from 48KHz and above.

Anyway, If you buy the Maya USB you will get a great sound card for use with TCVs or TCCDs with Audigy 2 or X-Fi you will get a good sound card for many purposes. If I decide between Audigy 2 or X-Fi, I buy the X-Fi all the way. However, if I'm going to use TCVs or TCCDs I go for the Maya.

In your case, I buy first VDJ and became a register user. Second, buy the sound card, and in 3rd place, buy the TCVs or download the TimeCode for TCCDs.

Good Luck!

Ok. I am an AtomixMp3 user about to upgrade to Virtual DJ (finallly). I need help with the following things:

1: I can't monitor my songs in headphones even after JUST buying the Audigy2 ZS notebook soundcard (I use a laptop and need external hardware). What do i do?

2: I want to upgrade to Virtual DJ and add Time Coded Vinyl to my set up, should I return my Audigy soundcard and buy another one? And if so, which one should I buy? Remember it has to be for a laptop.

3: what other hardware would I need in order to monitor my songs in headphones and mix using the Time Coded vinyl???

I also need to spend as LITTLE as possible on all this. Thanks

Cool Cliff Rock


Could you look my blog? just click it in my name (in blue at the left). In the top I have information on how to set this with an 5.1 Soundcard.

Tell Me if it works.

2.- You need another sound card. This solution is going to cost you nothing less than $250 usd ($300 incluiding the TCVs). I think you could buy the DJConsole MK2 and have a controller and a 2 LINE IN Soundcard to use TCVs. You can also use another options.

3.- Almost all who use TCVs use a mixer too. So you could use the headphones thru the mixer. As I said before, maybe the DJConsole MK2 is he cheapest solution ($250 usd). If not, you need a mixer(from $95 to $500) and an external sound card from $200 to $450... Sorry that isn't cheap.


It's seems good for me... You could capture videos and also has 2 line inputs, works with ASIO 2.0. It could be use with TCVs or TCCDs in theory.

But again, please buy your full version to ensure you could work without a problem with VDJ and your hardware.

