hi, is the DM2 midi controller produced by mixman compatible with this software and if it isn't then is it likely going to be in the not too distant fututre. A controller board for around £50 with two jog wheels on would be ideal for this type of software.
发表时间 Fri 26 Mar 04 @ 4:37 pm
i might be given one in a couple of days , they cannot officaly work but im going to try to make a mapper so that they can chat.
发表时间 Sun 28 May 06 @ 12:25 pm
i believe it will all work except for the jog wheels
发表时间 Wed 31 May 06 @ 5:23 pm
theres already a mapper :)
发表时间 Wed 31 May 06 @ 6:02 pm