
Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: I just wish....


I just wish we as the supporters of AtomixMP3 would not be kept in the dark as to New features and Release dates.

Just give us a few features that are coming (I don't think your competition is going to "steal" everything you do)

Just give us an approximate release date (within 30 days)...we won't hold you to an exact date.

I can sense the frustration on this board from the "customers" not getting information that they need in order to conduct business.

I use to use products from another company, they did the same thing Atomix has done (keeping their customers guessing). Not only did the customers leave (including me), but the company lost so many customers they actually went OUT OF BUSINESS.

My prediction is that if Atomix keeps working this way. Atomix will be one of those memories "I used to use this really cool software product, but the company started to fall apart"

I love Atomix, but I too am getting frustrated and have started to look at the competitions products.


发表时间 Sun 05 Aug 01 @ 3:40 pm
Lo, I shout unto the people, that 1.2 shall come, and bring with it effects and equalization!
It shall give you what you crave!


It's not about effects, or stuff like that, it's about simplicity and stability. No other program is as stable as Atomix [hell, not even Winamp on my box].
You can actually use Atomix live to mix, given a laptop and a cheap external box, and a mixer.

I don't think you wanna sit around and try to use Traktor in realtime. You'll click something wrong and fuck up and there go your chances at being Mr. Superstar DJ.


I'm sure you already know the features for the next realese. so tha's why you say shut the F... up.
You don't have to be so nasty to make your point. I don't explain my self why atomix team alows this kind of behavior on the forum.

It's allowed for the same reason that these anonymous hamsters are allowed to leave their idiotic messages. Free Speech.


hmm ... well he IS waiting and all he ASKED or better yet WISHED (this IS the "WISH-Forum") for is a little news on when what is coming out ... and that in a pretty gentle way ... no need to get all badmouthed ...

The problem is we tend to think that every anonymous user is one of those who keep insulting other users. After all, they have all the same name :o)
It's a bit confusing sometimes.
