
Forum: General Discussion

话题: DJ KBS


XiomanHome userMember since 2003
What are you using to scratch w/

ur mixes are pretty dope...

keep it up!

发表时间 Fri 05 Dec 03 @ 10:01 pm
kabensaPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Which mix are you talking about ?

发表时间 Sun 07 Dec 03 @ 11:42 am
hey sup ppl ,,,,,,,,,,,,, hey kbs good work on the mix man i mix hiphop r&b and i know how hard it is BUT

pls do not claim that it is only vdj coz its not
and the scratch is not only vdj i know that for 2 reasons

1. i practiced on scratching with vdj alot and i really mean alot i came out with not bad scratch that go with the beat 100% but they would never sound like the scratch u have on ur mix ( done with a turntable )

2. most of the songs on ur mix are remixes i know that coz i have alot of them they are mixes dont by professional djs and are sold over the net and if anyone is intrested i could list u at least 10 diffrent names of djs who do that i have some of the ones u have and i got more some of them are found on kazza

i do use these mixes 2 coz they are easier to mix because they start with just a beat and have a very good intro usually resulting in very smooth remixes and nice intro's ,,,,,

i wouldnt have said anything about it if u hadnt claimed that it was all you on vdj sorry bro but if its not urs dont clame that it is

if anyone is intrested on how and where to get these mixes just ask and i'll give u the names and links so u can either buy them or download them

just ask ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and kbs man good job smoooth mixes but u got along way to go b4 u can make somthing like this

dj smokey

发表时间 Sat 13 Dec 03 @ 8:33 am
i m a m htun

发表时间 Sat 13 Dec 03 @ 6:00 pm
