
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: REV5 Mapping
The shift+cue button usually brings the track back to the beginning in every controller i've owned prior to this rev5 and the site says that this is supposed to happen in the mappings (see pic), but it doesn't work when i try it. In fact there's no shift+cue (SHIFT_CUE) function in the mappings as well.

I believe i can map it myself but i also do believe this i an error based on the info found on the site for rev5


发表时间 Wed 04 Sep 24 @ 11:35 am
It will get fixed in the next update. Thanks.

发表时间 Wed 04 Sep 24 @ 11:52 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
It will get fixed in the next update. Thanks.

I appreciate the quick response!!!

Keep up the good work

发表时间 Wed 04 Sep 24 @ 11:35 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
It will get fixed in the next update. Thanks.

just asking if possible to include the shift+pfl mapping for beat-tap as well as it has traditionally been. I couldn't find it on this controller anywhere but manually put it in.

发表时间 Sat 30 Nov 24 @ 1:24 pm