Ok, using the pitch controls to set BPM, I come from Rekordbox as a DJ trying out VDJ. When adjusting BPM in rekord box, you can set the slider to "Wide" to unrestrain it. This is how I like it. Is there a feature (even if called something else) to allow me to copy the "Wide" in Rekordbox?
发表时间 Sat 12 Feb 22 @ 10:35 am
Um never mind. found the solution, btw, if all else fails, read the manual....
发表时间 Sat 12 Feb 22 @ 10:39 am
Just set the pitch range to 100% in settings
发表时间 Sat 12 Feb 22 @ 10:54 am
Yessir that is what I did. Worked perfectly
发表时间 Sat 12 Feb 22 @ 10:57 am