
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Crashing and EQ issues


Crashing: I think its quite ridiculous that this software has so many crashes. And that's with or without the Wi-Fi on. Sometimes when the Wi-Fi is off it won't crash as much. But overall, I'm rather sick of getting 35-40 minutes into a mix and then my controller just stops working and then the software crashes. I will also close the client completely by using the task manager and when I try to re-open the software, it will just keep telling me that "Virtual Dj is already running" and won't let me re-open unless I log out or Restart my computer.
EQ ISSUES: Another issue I have is with my EQs on my controller. I usually use the Modern EQ mode or Frequency, but it doesn't seem to matter which mode I use, I consistently have issues where I'm playing two tracks together at the same time, and while chopping I go back n fourth with the basses time to time and its like the program just recalibrates or something after i cut one of the songs out and it almost seems as the program is confused and cant keep up with my movements on the board and will end up cutting the bass or any other EQ I was using therefore making that moment of the mix just sound sloppy and then it looses its flow. It's quite agitating.

发表时间 Wed 01 Dec 21 @ 2:17 am
things to ponder (since you've given almost no real troubleshooting information)
have you posted the issues on the Technical support page? (I searched your name there for posts and didn't see any such) http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/81/VirtualDJ_Technical_Support.html

did you have actual crashes where the software stopped and disappeared then restarted or did you have it hang - which is an entirely different thing altogether. if crash reporting is enabled in Options then the report is sent in when online and the dev's can look at it.

is your computer up to the task of running modern software? because it really sounds like it isn't capable of running STEMS with the new features and that computer performance on an underspecc'ed machine is the main issue here.

FULL computer specs (if you don't know how to find them - just ask), what is running on the computer at the time, type of controller and license... it's all information that's kinda necessary for anyone to even begin to troubleshoot issues


I'm having similar issues. Its been a month of issues. I have had it crash non stop , best part is the day i had tech support it didn't crash while he was helping

Device name DESKTOP
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
NVidia GeForce Gtx 960 x2 linked together sli
20 t of hard drives
corsair water cooler


What hardware do you use?
There is one crash logged which appears to be related to the wasapi audio driver.
Depending on the audio interface you use you could try to use asio instead.

this is going to sound really strange . I crashed while trouble shooting. I turned off a apc 20 and the crash stopped and virtual went back to normal. i Left off the apc 20 and tried to make it crash . It was fine . Turned back on the apc 20 and crashed instantly. Its been a really strange adventure ..

my hardware pile... apc 20 and 40 and 20 and 40 . plus cmdpl1 plus dicers plus ddjsx .

did the screen "white over" I've seen that happing with a bad usb port/bad wire

Since you say VirtualDJ continued playing after turning off the APC, technically it didn't 'crash'. (Crash as in the program completely shutting down or in the case of VirtualDJ automatically restarting because of it)
A lock up or hang can have different forms on the other hand. Did VirtualDJ still respond when using the mouse, did the audio continue, did other connected controllers still respond?

Hi . when it crashed it took out all virtual dj . Nothing worked on it. not even a mouse. So I lost my mind and deleted the entire computer . complete reset. I also went out and bought all new power adaptors and usb cables and a new hub and hard drive . I re installed and updated everything and replaced all of it. I also did a update to every driver and shut off the usb sleep. I went into all the settings plus had a guy come run all updates and changed out the usb ports on the computer . The I installed the new version to make it 10 hours of non stop play list to have it crash 3 hours in. It is some issue that had something to do with stems and recording and eq and effects . The last update fixed something and i have run tests for 3 days and no crash . Is there a known issue with the 960 g gaming card in sli mode in virtual dj . The guy changed the 3d mode and thought the settings could be a huge part of the issue . Thanks again to all that is trying to help
