
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: EA Playlists Order & Position & Shuffle


NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Order column is finally here ^^
but as a virtual thing for now :\
hope it's because it is EA preliminary, lots of mess and not already implemented:

1) playlist still play ... but following position not Order ^^
when playlist is not sorted by "order" it won't play in order but using position instead
2) Order is a fixed value, shuffle does not alter Order
3) Karaoke can't have a different Position and Order, search in list then restore order is impossible
4) Order field from script is dummy (same as singer, will play at, position...):
get_browsed_song order & param_cast & debug ==>> Text: ''
browsed_song order '' ==>> true
5) Order apply to [virtual]folder ^^ and represent ? not apparition date, not size, not file date, not "original order" ??
6) modifiing order of playlist when another track is playing often freezes VDJ
i.e. last karaoke playing, stop karaoke and engage automix then change order in playlist while not already started

发表时间 Sat 19 Jun 21 @ 6:22 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Nicotux wrote :
1) playlist still play ... but following position not Order ^^
when playlist is not sorted by "order" it won't play in order but using position instead

Not entirely sure what the right way would be though.
There is some argument to follow order for playback, but on the other hand I think it's also important to be able to sort your automix to play back by bpm or track number for example.
In that case sorting would have to change the order, but then you lose again the option to go back to the original order if it happened by accident.

Quote :
2) Order is a fixed value, shuffle does not alter Order

For shuffle once kind of the same trade off. For shuffle mode it might indeed make sense to show the play order as long as it is enabled and automix is active.

Quote :
3) Karaoke can't have a different Position and Order, search in list then restore order is impossible

Related to 1. I don't think having the karaoke list shown in a different order than the play order would be a good idea.

Quote :
4) Order field from script is dummy (same as singer, will play at, position...):
get_browsed_song order & param_cast & debug ==>> Text: ''
browsed_song order '' ==>> true

Will check, indeed should be accessible by script too.

Quote :
5) Order apply to [virtual]folder ^^ and represent ? not apparition date, not size, not file date, not "original order" ??

In virtual folders it's the original order as well (the way it's stored in the file, and when you move files around should be saved that way as well)

Quote :
6) modifiing order of playlist when another track is playing often freezes VDJ
i.e. last karaoke playing, stop karaoke and engage automix then change order in playlist while not already started

Looks like indeed a bug with karaoke playback introduced in current EA. Will fix.

发表时间 Sat 19 Jun 21 @ 6:55 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Yes 4 & 6 fixed in EA b6529

However karaoke list was missing from fix #4 ^^
(karaoke skin still can't show estimated play time - or order but it is currently same as position)

moving tracks modifies order that is exactly what is wanted

IMHO the play order may follow the specified order, even when the list is sort differently for some reason
it shouldn't read the tracks in the temporary order

But I see why list shown in a different order than the play order is not so easy (but usefull)
while it is already the case with automix ans sidelist, same with karaoke may not hurt...

This introduce an issue with get_browsed_song +1 not being the next song to be played
maybe something like get_next_karaoke_song for get_next_playlist_song taking order in consideration would be enough

发表时间 Sat 19 Jun 21 @ 8:40 pm
