
Forum: General Discussion

话题: VMS4.1 --- HOTCUES 5 THRU 8


Hello Forum,

This question may have come up already. Please accept my apology if I'm repeating a question.

I want to be able to use hot cues 5 thru 8 on my VMS4.1. What are my options?

In VDJ 2020, I'm set up in the PRO mode.
In the configuration screen, under the American Audio VMS4 options, it shows that hotcues 5 thru 8 are assigned as delete functions of hotcues 1 thru 4.
So, I'm able to press the shift key, plus hot cue 1 [5], and I've deleted hotcue 1. I get that.

Now, let's look at the keyboard options.
In VDJ, in the config screen, mapping options, keyboard (custom mapping) it shows where I can do a CTRL 5 to set hotcue 5.
I have VDJ on now and a song loaded in deck 1. I pressed CTRL 5 and no hot cue was set. Is there something extra I need to do?

Thanks again Forum Experts. Your help is invaluable and I appreciate the time you take to respond to all of us.


发表时间 Sun 19 Jul 20 @ 2:48 pm
What do you mean by "not set" ?

Its set on the waveform/songpost overview on the deck right?
And you perhaps mean that its not showing on your controller? (that only has pad 1 to 4)

发表时间 Sun 19 Jul 20 @ 6:17 pm
Hello Rune,

I meant that when i pressed CTRL 5 on my keyboard, there was no hotcue 5 that appeared on the waveform.

发表时间 Mon 20 Jul 20 @ 1:29 am
If I’m reading right you’ve mapped it to:
set hotcue 5

It should be
hot_cue 5


发表时间 Mon 20 Jul 20 @ 2:29 am
LIMOLPRO InfinityMember since 2003
DJ 2-TITE wrote :
Hello Rune,

I meant that when i pressed CTRL 5 on my keyboard, there was no hotcue 5 that appeared on the waveform.

Go to the mapper,
you have to put in the box

[Key] Ctrl + NUM5 by pressing ls two keys on the keyboard at the same time

in the Action box you have to put
[Action] hot_cue 5

then you save the changes
load a title and press Ctrl 5 to make the point hot_cue 5 on the wave

发表时间 Mon 20 Jul 20 @ 9:10 am
Thanks LIMOL and Dan for getting back to me. I'm going to post some images below to let you see what my config looks like and just to make suer that we're on the same page.

The image below is how my hotcue buttons look on my controller. As you can see I have hot cues 1 thru 8.
To use hotcues 5 thru 8 though, I must hold down the shift button on the controller and press 5.

But look in the next image below.
This is the image of the mapping that's in my VDJ2020 software and you will see that hotcues 5 thru 8 for my controller aremapped for deleting hot cues 1 thru 4.
Now be advised, I did not configure any of these. These are the defaults, the way that the VMS4 mapping has always been.

So what I'm really interest in is being able to use my controller to set hot cues 5 thru 8 in a song. How do I change the mapping so that when I press shift and hot cue 5, that hot cue 1 is not deleted. And then after all that, How do put in mapping so that I can use the controller to delete the hot cues that I create, that is hot cues 1 through 8.

I found out how to use the software buttons to set hot cues (see image below) and also how to use the buttoens to delete those hot cues. but i want to be able to use my controller to create those 8 hot cues.

Guys and Ladies, I'd appreciate any guidance you can give.

Thank you.


发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 1:29 am
Hey I figured out how to use my controller to set a hot cue 5.
I just changed the mapping to read "hot_cue 5".
Now all i need is some mapping to use the controller to delete the hot cues.


发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 1:39 am
Ah good good ;-) you figured it out

For the delete, usually thats done with shift + the button.
But the VMS4.1 is a bit old, not sure it has such a shift function..

发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 9:34 am
He uses the shift to get to 5-8. As there are only 4 hotcue buttons.

Could probably do something like
holding 1000ms ? delete_cue X : hot_cue X

Where X is the cue number.
So if you hold the button for 1 second the cue is deleted.

N.b I haven’t tested this, just of the top of my head.

发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 10:12 am
Yes, or maybe there's a button somewhere on the controller that he doesn't use, which could be remapped.

发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 10:29 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Dan (djtouchdan) wrote :
Could probably do something like
holding 1000ms ? delete_cue X : hot_cue X

Where X is the cue number.
So if you hold the button for 1 second the cue is deleted.

That's not a good idea at all. The 2nd action will not perform immediately, as VDJ will wait to see if you hold the button or not. So hotcues will have a delay when triggered.
This is actually the reason why we changed the original ver 7 mapping (was like that) with 4 Hcs and Shift to delete.

If someone wants desperately more than 4 HCs, then yes the obvious is to assign the 2nd Layer (Shift+ HC , so the keys HOT_CUE5 to HOT_CUE8) as hot_cue 5 to hot_cue 8.
As for the deletion, you can use the skin and right-click on the Hotcue Pads, or "sacrifice" another spare button on the controller and map it as .. set 'delcue' 1 while_pressed and then assign the HC keys as .. var 'delcue' ? delete_cue x : hot_cue x


发表时间 Tue 21 Jul 20 @ 11:01 am
