
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Echo effect. - Page: 3


Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Now you just responding to respond

No, I'm explaining why effects for DJs tend to have fewer controls than maybe some high end DAW plugin.

It's also true that standalone DJ equipment has "one knob FX" commonly now, like Pioneer's Color FX.

My new Prime 4 has four "sweep FX" and the only controls are on/off and a single knob. Despite that, they are useful FX.

At the end of the day I don't see why Atomix needs to change the built in FX when we (as VDJ users) have the option to choose from thousands of others.


groovindj wrote :
Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Now you just responding to respond

No, I'm explaining why effects for DJs tend to have fewer controls than maybe some high end DAW plugin.

It's also true that standalone DJ equipment has "one knob FX" commonly now, like Pioneer's Color FX.

My new Prime 4 has four "sweep FX" and the only controls are on/off and a single knob. Despite that, they are useful FX.

At the end of the day I don't see why Atomix needs to change the built in FX when we (as VDJ users) have the option to choose from thousands of others.

Maybe just not having to search thousands hit or miss. Just like working the default interface to a more intuitive interface. Not to many other skins are being made because you don't have to because the default is just done right. With help I did alter it a bit to fit a more dvs expert skin, which I called expert but even that was easier than ever because they just did it right. To me, the problem is why don't you understand having those controls are anything but a plus. You have Such a shallow thought process in this vast digital age.


Three pages so far in this thread, and the only VDJ user complaining about the echo effect is you (unless you count the single LE user who's now gone quiet).

If it truly was such a big issue, why are there not more complaints? Where are all the other Pro license holders up in arms about the lack of a separate feedback knob?

Seems to me like it's your own personal itch, and you're not prepared to scratch it by using a VST.

groovindj wrote :
No there (not "their") doesn't have to be a separation. The echo effect works fine as is. It's not broken. The vast majority of users are not complaining.

If you would like an echo effect with multiple knobs, there are thousands of VST plugins from which to choose.

Many controllers have three FX knobs. VDJ's effects section is switchable between one and three slots. When three slots are selected, that allows one knob per effect.

With just one knob available, which parameter (volume or feedback) should be assigned? You want two, but you've only got one knob.

What's being said here about separate echo feedback and separate echo volume is basic. All the standalone audio effect gears I've owned (DigiTech, lexicon PCM 41) I've always been able to adjust those parameters seperately. Whether on a mixer send and return or by itself.

Nosven wrote :
DigiTech, lexicon PCM 41

That's recording studio technology though, not the sort of thing a DJ would typically own, or take out on the road.

I've got a VestaFire digital delay, Alesis Quadraverb, MidiVerb II and a bunch of other Boss half rack units. They're for my studio though. I've never used them to DJ with.

A lot of DJs don't even use effects when playing, and for those that do, in most cases simple is better.

The DJ is busy with all the other controls for playing back music and mixing it. If they only have to turn one knob to get an effect it's an advantage.

maybe we need 2 echo FX one simple and one with more features?

makes more sense to me then arguing what another dj needs when they say they do :-)

groovindj wrote :
Nosven wrote :
DigiTech, lexicon PCM 41

That's recording studio technology though, not the sort of thing a DJ would typically own, or take out on the road.

I've got a VestaFire digital delay, Alesis Quadraverb, MidiVerb II and a bunch of other Boss half rack units. They're for my studio though. I've never used them to DJ with.

A lot of DJs don't even use effects when playing, and for those that do, in most cases simple is better.

The DJ is busy with all the other controls for playing back music and mixing it. If they only have to turn one knob to get an effect it's an advantage.

Statement like this is what makes me doubt your experience. Because effect being added to "DJing" is a direct connecting to studio capabilities. Reverb, flange brought into DJing because what we made them do in studios. That's why Dj mixers with send/return even existed. Dj mixers started with line faders no crossfader because that's how studio mixers were designed. HipHop birth the crossfader. So a dj mixer looked like a miniature studio board. So everything we do as djs was birth from the studio. Let it go... You don't even seem qualified to even speak anymore...lol

Back when DJ mixers were extremely basic, I bought a studio mixing desk and ran my decks through RIAA preamps into that, to give me EQ, gain and FX sends on each channel. It was too big to take on the road, but I was mixing with that long before DJ mixers had all that jazz.

I was mixing before most DJs in the UK. I entered the very first DMC contest.

I had an Akai sampler before most studios had one (it even got hired out because studios booked for remix jobs didn't have one).

I've worked in top flight studios. I've had stuff released on vinyl and CD by various labels, one of which also made a music video I was in. I could go on but I don't have to prove anything to anyone.

If you want to doubt, go ahead. Doesn't mean you're right.

groovindj wrote :
Back when DJ mixers were extremely basic, I bought a studio mixing desk and ran my decks through RIAA preamps into that, to give me EQ, gain and FX sends on each channel. It was too big to take on the road, but I was mixing with that long before DJ mixers had all that jazz.

I was mixing before most DJs in the UK. I entered the very first DMC contest.

I had an Akai sampler before most studios had one (it even got hired out because studios booked for remix jobs didn't have one).

I've worked in top flight studios. I've had stuff released on vinyl and CD by various labels, one of which also made a music video I was in. I could go on but I don't have to prove anything to anyone.

If you want to doubt, go ahead. Doesn't mean you're right.

And with all that you quoted you had to do a test to understand a bar starts at 1:1
And with all that you quoted you don't believe having feedback and volume adjustable separately is standard. When it's like that on every echo device you mentioned.
So that leads me to think your only responding to respond because nothing your saying is correct.
We call it smars Social Media A** Response.


Why do you have to quote the entire post every time you reply to me, when what you're quoting is in the post directly above, and it's clear who you're replying to?

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
you had to do a test to understand a bar starts at 1:1

Oh you're bring that up again are you? Running out of ammo? Provide a link to the thread so I can see for myself.

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
you don't believe having feedback and volume adjustable separately is standard

Please direct me to where I'm supposed to have said it wasn't standard. While you're at it, please provide written evidence that having separate feedback and volume on an echo effect is standard.


Strength is currently sort of a "volume" param in the current Echo effect..
And if future update introduce the volume as a separate param only future will tell ;-) maybe...

From a controller/dj perspective, it usually makes most sense to have 2 params tops .. often just wet/dry and beat/lenght or similar.. and thats it ;-) Keep things simple, less is more .. sort of approach. Much like Pioneer mixers and what not, only having just that. And is "the industry standard" so to speak, to keep DJ effects simple to use, few params (personally i love ColorFX, not only for its sound, but from the fact of being one param only, simple to use when djing live)

But nothing wrong with adding additional params too, many VDJ effects have more for fine tuning, and lets see .. ;-)
Arguing for days about it makes no sense at least.. some like cola some like pepsi ;-)
Some think Strength is doing the job, others want a volume param.

@ Rune (Dj-in-Norway) I agree with you. Adding a wet/dry knob would certainly do the trick and keep things simple.

Just add the volume parameter. That's it. If strength is basically feedback just add the volume parameter. Just as simple.

What if you can have 4 parameters (knobs) on each effect and choose which 2 (knobs/parameters) to be set on the effects panel and then to be on your controller? Not a bad idea...
As someone that uses the echo a lot i think VDj did a pretty good job on this one. I used to use the one on my classic pioneer mixer and compared to Virtual DJ's its actually pretty close. You almost can't tell the difference. Now compare Virtual DJ's with other software's echo...

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
Just add the volume parameter. That's it. If strength is basically feedback just add the volume parameter. Just as simple.

Your right Djratedxxx919, after I reexamined the echo effect once more I realize adding a wet/dry parameter would not do the trick. You would not be able to raise the echo volume independently. My frustrations with how it is now is when I add the "mic fx" to the mic I have no conrtol over the fx volume. As far as adding the echo effect to the music it seems to work well to me. The music to echo ratio is fixed in such a way that the volume of the echo sits decently.

I've given up on trying to use the "mic fx" on the mic because of the above mentioned reason. In my rush to say there is no feedback parameter only volume, it turns out to be the opposite. At the time I didn't quite remember, but know there was a missing parameter messing things up. What I am saying might be different from what your saying Djratedxxx919, but the deck fx and the mic fx are missing that parameter. I would say this parameter is long overdue.
