
Forum: General Discussion

话题: D&R Webstation


Hi all, has anyone made a mapper / skin for the D&R Webstation please ?

Thanks in advance


发表时间 Sun 10 Nov 19 @ 3:30 pm
I was wondering if you could use this as well to control the levelers volume, I use the encoder/broadcast using virtual dj, and would like to use a mixer to control the volume lever's when talking on air, I hate regular automation software, vdj runs fast, easy to scan hdd, instead of uploading music, vdj you can search anyway and songs come up. Awesome, I just want to be able to use a mixer for the volume sliders instead of using a mouse or keyboard map. Please help.


发表时间 Sun 07 Feb 21 @ 4:39 pm
Jammin M wrote :
I was wondering if you could use this as well to control the levelers volume, I use the encoder/broadcast using virtual dj, and would like to use a mixer to control the volume lever's when talking on air, I hate regular automation software, vdj runs fast, easy to scan hdd, instead of uploading music, vdj you can search anyway and songs come up. Awesome, I just want to be able to use a mixer for the volume sliders instead of using a mouse or keyboard map. Please help.


I am working on it right now, which functionality would you like to have ? I am looking to implement 2 decks on slider 3 and 4, slider 5 for the sampler banks, buttons 1A to 2F as sampler buttons, with the leds changing color for every sample played, more than that wil not be necessary but please let me know.
I am in contact with D&R for the exact Bits en Bytes to control the webstation, it wil be a HID mapping.
What also works is the keyboard emulator, but the application needs to have focus at all time, that is why i want to develop the definition for this mixer.

发表时间 Sun 11 Jul 21 @ 3:38 pm
I use 4 decks, jingles, ids, music and quick ids, background music, that would be nice to use an external mixer to control this, I don't need a midi controller, wish could control using a regular audio dj analog mixer you know? let me know what else can use or that web station, it is pricey though!

发表时间 Thu 06 Jan 22 @ 4:36 pm
