
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Problems with deck numbering ?


NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Some builds ago i noticed some change in deck numbering :
Talk only about positive ones only
0 action deck
1..n are standard decks up to get_decks
x...... depending on verbs:
sometimes computed as follow: n = ((x-1) mod `get_decks`) +1
sometimes ignored
sometimes deck 1

- Or maybe all now refering to deck1, effect seems to be identical

examples :
0- working:
deck 42 play
1- Partially working:
deck 42 play ? stop && unload : load && play
actions are working fine, query does not - button status not updated
2 - totally ignored :
deck left clone_deck 42 & clone_from_deck right & deck right clone_from_deck 42 & deck 42 stop && unload
when - assuming a 4 decks layout :
deck left clone_deck 4 & clone_from_deck right & deck right clone_from_deck 4 & deck 4 stop && unload
is working fine
3 - Replaced by Deck 1 :
deck 42 effect_select
4 - it seems there is no more mod version in new skin engine, replaced with deck 1

发表时间 Thu 17 Oct 19 @ 10:29 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
deck 42 should work as soon as you load a song to deck 42.
After that it should correctly work as deck 42. Not sure what other behavior you are expecting.

发表时间 Thu 17 Oct 19 @ 11:30 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
deck 42 - or any greater get_decks - load & play are ok
but does not allows to clone to or to do many other actions

selecting deck 42 will mostly affect deck 1 whatever the deck the calling button stays

发表时间 Thu 17 Oct 19 @ 11:36 am
If you don't use a skin that has that many decks defined (42) then those decks "stay closed"
VirtualDJ will construct a deck bigger than the number of decks defined on the skin you're using only when you load it.
After it constructs the deck you can use all the commands correctly.
Finally, constructing 99 decks just for the sake of some mad decks usage is clearly a waste of resources IMHO :)

发表时间 Thu 17 Oct 19 @ 11:50 am
